Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Re: Automatically add two spaces between sentences

On 14.03.17 22:20, Vim the Best wrote:
> When we use Vim, what's the best way to add two spaces between
> sentences automatically rather than manually press the space bar
> twice?

Perhaps you could use an iab, if necessary, using e.g. ".." for ". ".
It still saves one keystroke, and does not make it impossible to enter
". ", for some other case. (OK, it does clobber a longhand ellipsis, so
maybe some other iab?)

> Additionally by default, when we join two sentences with one on top of
> the other, there would be two spaces between them after joining. What
> do we need to do to achieve the similar effect with Vim automatically
> when we are typing?

:help joinspaces

It is the default, so you should see it, unless you have:

set nojoinspaces


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