Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Re: Vim maximise weirdness

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 10:05 PM, Ken Takata <> wrote:

2017/3/15 Wed 0:33:25 UTC+9 Eric Christopherson wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 5:07 AM, A. S. Budden <> wrote:
> With the newly compiled version of vim (details below), `:simalt ~x`
> doesn't do quite what I was expecting: the window gets bigger but the
> drawn area doesn't -
> How interesting -- for me, :simalt ~x works, but actually pressing <Alt><Space> doesn't bring down the menu. I have to define a mapping for it to work:
>     :nnoremap <A-Space> :simalt ~<CR>
>     :inoremap <A-Space> <C-o>:simalt ~<CR>

I confirmed that `:simalt ~x` worked fine on v8.0.0274.
However, on v8.0.0275, `:simalt ~x` makes the window maximized but the
contents is not properly updated. I need to hit Ctrl-L to update the contents.

Alt-Space doesn't work on neither 0274 nor 0275.

Ken Takata

I see that I was incorrect about alt-space-based maximizing working for me; it does maximize the window, but much of the resulting window has a gray background with no text in it. Ctrl-L causes it to redraw and take up the whole space, as stated by others.

        Eric Christopherson

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