Happy New Year to all Vim users!
I have updated the handy desktop calendar for 2019. It prints on one
sheet of paper and, after folding and applying a bit of glue, stands on
your desk.
It is available in English and Dutch. You can find the PDF files on my
website: http://moolenaar.net/#Calendar
Happy Vimming!
From "know your smileys":
:-{} Too much lipstick
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///
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Monday, December 31, 2018
ruby loading module cannot be located
I need to use FileUtils ruby lib module.
Error detected while processing function explorer#UnitePaster:
line 36:
LoadError: cannot load such file -- fileutils
eval:4:in `require'
It seems that this module is not recognized and the path not well feeded.
If any of you can help
Thank you
ruby << EOF
libx = File.expand_path(VIM::evaluate('g:Ruby_libpath'), __FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(libx) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libx)
require "fileutils"
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I need to use FileUtils ruby lib module.
Error detected while processing function explorer#UnitePaster:
line 36:
LoadError: cannot load such file -- fileutils
eval:4:in `require'
It seems that this module is not recognized and the path not well feeded.
If any of you can help
Thank you
ruby << EOF
libx = File.expand_path(VIM::evaluate('g:Ruby_libpath'), __FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(libx) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libx)
require "fileutils"
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Saturday, December 29, 2018
Re: repeat insert characters until end of line or getting the last col in a buffer?
> Is there a way to insert a repeat of characters to the width of a buffer?
> That is, I can repeat a series of characters, i.e. <ESC>12i-<ESC> inserts 12 hyphens [1]
bcause vim is a text _editor_, implementing layout and markup elements
can best be used from some markup language of your choice. because you
only edit text, layout is of no concern at that level (by 'vim
philosophy' AFAIK it is even strictly separated, just as normal and
insert mode). the number of columns in your vim buffer is just for
navigation when editing.
examples that you could try:
* markdown -- can produce a horizontal ruler by using three or more
hyphens, asterisks or underscores: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#hr
* LaTeX -- has some elements to provide horizontal rulers and specify
the width of it: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/371286/draw-a-horizontal-line-in-latex
* HTML -- `<hr>' provides a horizontal line between the page borders,
width, height and color can be set. the <hr> tag is discontinued in
HTML 5, but still might work: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_hr.asp
I use vim to make and edit text and use `pandoc' to translate everything
into a pdf file or different format. pandoc nicely makes a horizontal
ruler between the page margins, based on just `-----' in my vim .md
file. see: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html
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> That is, I can repeat a series of characters, i.e. <ESC>12i-<ESC> inserts 12 hyphens [1]
bcause vim is a text _editor_, implementing layout and markup elements
can best be used from some markup language of your choice. because you
only edit text, layout is of no concern at that level (by 'vim
philosophy' AFAIK it is even strictly separated, just as normal and
insert mode). the number of columns in your vim buffer is just for
navigation when editing.
examples that you could try:
* markdown -- can produce a horizontal ruler by using three or more
hyphens, asterisks or underscores: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#hr
* LaTeX -- has some elements to provide horizontal rulers and specify
the width of it: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/371286/draw-a-horizontal-line-in-latex
* HTML -- `<hr>' provides a horizontal line between the page borders,
width, height and color can be set. the <hr> tag is discontinued in
HTML 5, but still might work: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_hr.asp
I use vim to make and edit text and use `pandoc' to translate everything
into a pdf file or different format. pandoc nicely makes a horizontal
ruler between the page margins, based on just `-----' in my vim .md
file. see: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html
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Friday, December 28, 2018
Re: repeat insert characters until end of line or getting the last col in a buffer?
On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 12:29:27 PM UTC-8, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 2018-12-28 12:14, tony wrote:
> > Is there a way to insert a repeat of characters to the width of a
> > buffer?
> It may depend on how you determine the width of the buffer.
Thank you for your help and mapping, Tim
Right you are about the variable buffer width, which changes when i resize the windows (duh!)
vim is lifelong learning :-)
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> On 2018-12-28 12:14, tony wrote:
> > Is there a way to insert a repeat of characters to the width of a
> > buffer?
> It may depend on how you determine the width of the buffer.
Thank you for your help and mapping, Tim
Right you are about the variable buffer width, which changes when i resize the windows (duh!)
vim is lifelong learning :-)
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Re: repeat insert characters until end of line or getting the last col in a buffer?
On 2018-12-28, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 2018-12-28 12:14, tony wrote:
> > Is there a way to insert a repeat of characters to the width of a
> > buffer?
> It may depend on how you determine the width of the buffer.
> You might mean your 'textwidth' setting, or you might mean your
> terminal's (or gvim-window's) $COLUMNS setting.
> > But if the repeat count is the terminal buffer width, is there a
> > quick way to determine that or a variable of the last column?
> There's not a quick-to-easily-type way, but you can do the math once
> and then create a mapping to do the rest for you, or do them all in
> one go:
> :%s/$/\=repeat('X', &tw?&tw-strlen(getline('.')):&columns-strlen(getline('.')))
> (this appends the character "X"). It assumes that if you have a
> 'textwidth' set, you want to use that; if you have it unset, it uses
> your terminal-width as stored in 'columns'
If you replace "&columns" by "winwidth(0)", this solution will work
for vertically-split windows as well.
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> On 2018-12-28 12:14, tony wrote:
> > Is there a way to insert a repeat of characters to the width of a
> > buffer?
> It may depend on how you determine the width of the buffer.
> You might mean your 'textwidth' setting, or you might mean your
> terminal's (or gvim-window's) $COLUMNS setting.
> > But if the repeat count is the terminal buffer width, is there a
> > quick way to determine that or a variable of the last column?
> There's not a quick-to-easily-type way, but you can do the math once
> and then create a mapping to do the rest for you, or do them all in
> one go:
> :%s/$/\=repeat('X', &tw?&tw-strlen(getline('.')):&columns-strlen(getline('.')))
> (this appends the character "X"). It assumes that if you have a
> 'textwidth' set, you want to use that; if you have it unset, it uses
> your terminal-width as stored in 'columns'
If you replace "&columns" by "winwidth(0)", this solution will work
for vertically-split windows as well.
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32 vs 64 bit versions
I am unclear how to install 64 bit vim on windows 10. The nightly builds on the vim win32 installer have an installer gvim_8.1.xxxx_x86.exe that is the primary one. But there is also _x64.zip, and I don't know how to use it.
There is now a _x64.exe installer labeled experimental.
How do the .zip files get installed?
On Fri, Dec 28, 2018, 12:46 AM <vim_use@googlegroups.com wrote:
- packadd from ~\.vim - 1 Update
- Question about color settings - 1 Update
Ni Va <nivaemail@gmail.com>: Dec 27 10:18AM -0800
Creating and putting newplugin in
~\.vim\pack\foo\start\newplugin\autoload \plugin \syntax
It appears that at vim start, newplugin is not loaded as help says.
Thank you
nota: runtimepath does not include packpath
meine <trialero@gmx.com>: Dec 27 03:32PM +0100
> I am using MS Windows both in GUI and command prompt mode. What kind of
> terminal is set when IĀ
> start VIM from a DOS command prompt?
you could add some lines to your .vimrc to distinguish between GUI en
CLI environment but use the same settings like line numbering in both
envoronments. the blocks can be extended as you like. it is possible
that naming the environment (`x11' for using the X window system) has to
be called differently on a Windows box. I don't have any experience with
below is the part I use:
if has('gui_running')
colorscheme molokai_dark
set guifont=Monospace\ 10
set columns=85 lines=30
elseif has('x11')
colorscheme molokai_dark
set guifont=Monospace\ 10
" set columns=85 lines=30
colorscheme evening
set t_Co=256
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Re: repeat insert characters until end of line or getting the last col in a buffer?
On 2018-12-28 12:14, tony wrote:
> Is there a way to insert a repeat of characters to the width of a
> buffer?
It may depend on how you determine the width of the buffer.
You might mean your 'textwidth' setting, or you might mean your
terminal's (or gvim-window's) $COLUMNS setting.
> But if the repeat count is the terminal buffer width, is there a
> quick way to determine that or a variable of the last column?
There's not a quick-to-easily-type way, but you can do the math once
and then create a mapping to do the rest for you, or do them all in
one go:
:%s/$/\=repeat('X', &tw?&tw-strlen(getline('.')):&columns-strlen(getline('.')))
(this appends the character "X"). It assumes that if you have a
'textwidth' set, you want to use that; if you have it unset, it uses
your terminal-width as stored in 'columns'
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> Is there a way to insert a repeat of characters to the width of a
> buffer?
It may depend on how you determine the width of the buffer.
You might mean your 'textwidth' setting, or you might mean your
terminal's (or gvim-window's) $COLUMNS setting.
> But if the repeat count is the terminal buffer width, is there a
> quick way to determine that or a variable of the last column?
There's not a quick-to-easily-type way, but you can do the math once
and then create a mapping to do the rest for you, or do them all in
one go:
:%s/$/\=repeat('X', &tw?&tw-strlen(getline('.')):&columns-strlen(getline('.')))
(this appends the character "X"). It assumes that if you have a
'textwidth' set, you want to use that; if you have it unset, it uses
your terminal-width as stored in 'columns'
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repeat insert characters until end of line or getting the last col in a buffer?
Is there a way to insert a repeat of characters to the width of a buffer?
That is, I can repeat a series of characters, i.e. <ESC>12i-<ESC> inserts 12 hyphens [1]
But if the repeat count is the terminal buffer width, is there a quick way to determine that or a variable of the last column?
I know $ is the end of line but <ESC>$i-<ESC> didn't work nor $|
The longer way is typing out to end of line to get the last column number at the status line then issuing the command, eg <ESC>127i-<ESC>
Thank you,
[1] https://stackoverflow.com/a/5805239
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Is there a way to insert a repeat of characters to the width of a buffer?
That is, I can repeat a series of characters, i.e. <ESC>12i-<ESC> inserts 12 hyphens [1]
But if the repeat count is the terminal buffer width, is there a quick way to determine that or a variable of the last column?
I know $ is the end of line but <ESC>$i-<ESC> didn't work nor $|
The longer way is typing out to end of line to get the last column number at the status line then issuing the command, eg <ESC>127i-<ESC>
Thank you,
[1] https://stackoverflow.com/a/5805239
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Thursday, December 27, 2018
packadd from ~\.vim
Creating and putting newplugin in
~\.vim\pack\foo\start\newplugin\autoload \plugin \syntax
It appears that at vim start, newplugin is not loaded as help says.
Thank you
nota: runtimepath does not include packpath
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Creating and putting newplugin in
~\.vim\pack\foo\start\newplugin\autoload \plugin \syntax
It appears that at vim start, newplugin is not loaded as help says.
Thank you
nota: runtimepath does not include packpath
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Re: Question about color settings
> I am using MS Windows both in GUI and command prompt mode. What kind of
> terminal is set when IĀ
> start VIM from a DOS command prompt?
you could add some lines to your .vimrc to distinguish between GUI en
CLI environment but use the same settings like line numbering in both
envoronments. the blocks can be extended as you like. it is possible
that naming the environment (`x11' for using the X window system) has to
be called differently on a Windows box. I don't have any experience with
below is the part I use:
if has('gui_running')
colorscheme molokai_dark
set guifont=Monospace\ 10
set columns=85 lines=30
elseif has('x11')
colorscheme molokai_dark
set guifont=Monospace\ 10
" set columns=85 lines=30
colorscheme evening
set t_Co=256
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> terminal is set when IĀ
> start VIM from a DOS command prompt?
you could add some lines to your .vimrc to distinguish between GUI en
CLI environment but use the same settings like line numbering in both
envoronments. the blocks can be extended as you like. it is possible
that naming the environment (`x11' for using the X window system) has to
be called differently on a Windows box. I don't have any experience with
below is the part I use:
if has('gui_running')
colorscheme molokai_dark
set guifont=Monospace\ 10
set columns=85 lines=30
elseif has('x11')
colorscheme molokai_dark
set guifont=Monospace\ 10
" set columns=85 lines=30
colorscheme evening
set t_Co=256
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Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Re: slight correction in online help under Magic \V
Linda Walsh wrote:
> On 12/24/2018 10:16 AM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
> > terminating character (usually / or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> >
> >
> "Use of "\V" means that in the remaining pattern, only a backslash and
> terminating character (usually / or ?) have special meaning. "Very
> nomagic"
> 1) 'comma' after first clause
> 2) 'a' instead 'the', as the use of a backslash isn't limited to one usage,
> 3) 'terminating character' ("specifier dropped" as specifier for other
> subject
> ('a') is distributed over both subject-nouns;
> (OR: "the corresponding, terminating character"; felt it read better
> without
> the extra word)
> 4) 'have' instead of 'has' (subject-verb quantity agreement)
> 5) "special meaning" is a property, not a thing,
> like "has magic" or "does not have magic", but not
> "has a magic" or "does not have a magic"
Thanks for taking a close look and making corrections. I think there
are a few remaining unclarities. It may be semantically correct, but it
doesn't mean it's clear to the reader (and for many readers English is a
second language).
How about this (also including the text for \v, since it's similar):
Use of "\v" means that after it, all ASCII characters except '0'-'9', 'a'-'z',
'A'-'Z' and '_' have special meaning: "very magic"
Use of "\V" means that after it, only a backslash and terminating character
(usually / or ?) have special meaning: "very nomagic"
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
56. You leave the modem speaker on after connecting because you think it
sounds like the ocean wind...the perfect soundtrack for "surfing the net".
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///
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> On 12/24/2018 10:16 AM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
> > terminating character (usually / or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> >
> >
> "Use of "\V" means that in the remaining pattern, only a backslash and
> terminating character (usually / or ?) have special meaning. "Very
> nomagic"
> 1) 'comma' after first clause
> 2) 'a' instead 'the', as the use of a backslash isn't limited to one usage,
> 3) 'terminating character' ("specifier dropped" as specifier for other
> subject
> ('a') is distributed over both subject-nouns;
> (OR: "the corresponding, terminating character"; felt it read better
> without
> the extra word)
> 4) 'have' instead of 'has' (subject-verb quantity agreement)
> 5) "special meaning" is a property, not a thing,
> like "has magic" or "does not have magic", but not
> "has a magic" or "does not have a magic"
Thanks for taking a close look and making corrections. I think there
are a few remaining unclarities. It may be semantically correct, but it
doesn't mean it's clear to the reader (and for many readers English is a
second language).
How about this (also including the text for \v, since it's similar):
Use of "\v" means that after it, all ASCII characters except '0'-'9', 'a'-'z',
'A'-'Z' and '_' have special meaning: "very magic"
Use of "\V" means that after it, only a backslash and terminating character
(usually / or ?) have special meaning: "very nomagic"
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
56. You leave the modem speaker on after connecting because you think it
sounds like the ocean wind...the perfect soundtrack for "surfing the net".
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///
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Re: Question about color settings
On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 11:32 AM Gabor Urban <urbangabo@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have made some VIM color schemes, but I still have some problems. The most disturbing is
> the difference between the term... and cterm setting. I did look it up on the net, but could
> not find appropriate information. Can anyone help?
The "term" settings are for monochrome terminals, whose text can be
bright or dim, or reverse-video, but where no contrasting colors are
possible. I had such a video screen (a yellow-and-black CRT on a
Hercules graphic card) when I started using MS-DOS on a PC-AT several
decades ago, but nowadays AFAIK they are only to be found in museums.
The "cterm" settings are for text-only color videos, and the "gui"
settings are for gvim (or for the MacVim GUI).
> I am using MS Windows both in GUI and command prompt mode. What kind of terminal is set when I
> start VIM from a DOS command prompt?
When you start it as "vim", and it displays your edited text inside
the DOS box, it uses the "cterm" settings, unless 'termguicolors' is
on, which is not the default. When you start it as "gvim", or when
'termguicolors' is on, it will use the "gui" settings. It would only
use the "term" settings if you were running on a monochrome terminal;
I'm not sure Windows can be used on such a terminal.
See «:help 'termguicolors'» about what kinds of hardware and software
are necessary for that option to work.
> Looking for your answer...
> --
> Urbán Gábor
> Linux is like a wigwam: no Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside.
Best regards,
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> Hi,
> I have made some VIM color schemes, but I still have some problems. The most disturbing is
> the difference between the term... and cterm setting. I did look it up on the net, but could
> not find appropriate information. Can anyone help?
The "term" settings are for monochrome terminals, whose text can be
bright or dim, or reverse-video, but where no contrasting colors are
possible. I had such a video screen (a yellow-and-black CRT on a
Hercules graphic card) when I started using MS-DOS on a PC-AT several
decades ago, but nowadays AFAIK they are only to be found in museums.
The "cterm" settings are for text-only color videos, and the "gui"
settings are for gvim (or for the MacVim GUI).
> I am using MS Windows both in GUI and command prompt mode. What kind of terminal is set when I
> start VIM from a DOS command prompt?
When you start it as "vim", and it displays your edited text inside
the DOS box, it uses the "cterm" settings, unless 'termguicolors' is
on, which is not the default. When you start it as "gvim", or when
'termguicolors' is on, it will use the "gui" settings. It would only
use the "term" settings if you were running on a monochrome terminal;
I'm not sure Windows can be used on such a terminal.
See «:help 'termguicolors'» about what kinds of hardware and software
are necessary for that option to work.
> Looking for your answer...
> --
> Urbán Gábor
> Linux is like a wigwam: no Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside.
Best regards,
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Question about color settings
I have made some VIM color schemes, but I still have some problems. The most disturbing is
the difference between the term... and cterm setting. I did look it up on the net, but could
not find appropriate information. Can anyone help?
I am using MS Windows both in GUI and command prompt mode. What kind of terminal is set when I
start VIM from a DOS command prompt?
Looking for your answer...
Urbán Gábor
Linux is like a wigwam: no Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside.
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Monday, December 24, 2018
Re: slight correction in online help under Magic \V
On 12/24/2018 10:16 AM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
> terminating character (usually / or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
"Use of "\V" means that in the remaining pattern, only a backslash and
terminating character (usually / or ?) have special meaning. "Very
1) 'comma' after first clause
2) 'a' instead 'the', as the use of a backslash isn't limited to one usage,
3) 'terminating character' ("specifier dropped" as specifier for other
('a') is distributed over both subject-nouns;
(OR: "the corresponding, terminating character"; felt it read better
the extra word)
4) 'have' instead of 'has' (subject-verb quantity agreement)
5) "special meaning" is a property, not a thing,
like "has magic" or "does not have magic", but not
"has a magic" or "does not have a magic"
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> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
> terminating character (usually / or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
"Use of "\V" means that in the remaining pattern, only a backslash and
terminating character (usually / or ?) have special meaning. "Very
1) 'comma' after first clause
2) 'a' instead 'the', as the use of a backslash isn't limited to one usage,
3) 'terminating character' ("specifier dropped" as specifier for other
('a') is distributed over both subject-nouns;
(OR: "the corresponding, terminating character"; felt it read better
the extra word)
4) 'have' instead of 'has' (subject-verb quantity agreement)
5) "special meaning" is a property, not a thing,
like "has magic" or "does not have magic", but not
"has a magic" or "does not have a magic"
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Re: slight correction in online help under Magic \V
Linda Walsh wrote:
> This sentence:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
> terminating character (/ or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Should be:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and
> terminating characters have a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Example:
> pattern: "The example file is /etc/passwd?"
> :s!\V/etc/passwd?!/etc_passwd\!!
> Becomes: "The example file is /etc_passwd!"
> (Point: terminator is not always '/' or '?')
Right, it can be another character. But only that character, not
several. Perhaps this is clearer:
Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
terminating character (usually / or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.
-- Michael Davis -- "Tonight Show"
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///
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> This sentence:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
> terminating character (/ or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Should be:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and
> terminating characters have a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Example:
> pattern: "The example file is /etc/passwd?"
> :s!\V/etc/passwd?!/etc_passwd\!!
> Becomes: "The example file is /etc_passwd!"
> (Point: terminator is not always '/' or '?')
Right, it can be another character. But only that character, not
several. Perhaps this is clearer:
Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
terminating character (usually / or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.
-- Michael Davis -- "Tonight Show"
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///
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Re: slight correction in online help under Magic \V
On 2018-12-24, L A Walsh wrote:
> This sentence:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
> terminating character (/ or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Should be:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and
> terminating characters have a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Example:
> pattern: "The example file is /etc/passwd?"
> :s!\V/etc/passwd?!/etc_passwd\!!
> Becomes: "The example file is /etc_passwd!"
> (Point: terminator is not always '/' or '?')
I think that the reference to '/' and '?' should remain, at least as
examples of terminating characters. Otherwise, the reader is likely
left wondering what the heck a terminating character is.
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> This sentence:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
> terminating character (/ or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Should be:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and
> terminating characters have a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Example:
> pattern: "The example file is /etc/passwd?"
> :s!\V/etc/passwd?!/etc_passwd\!!
> Becomes: "The example file is /etc_passwd!"
> (Point: terminator is not always '/' or '?')
I think that the reference to '/' and '?' should remain, at least as
examples of terminating characters. Otherwise, the reader is likely
left wondering what the heck a terminating character is.
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slight correction in online help under Magic \V
This sentence:
Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
terminating character (/ or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
Should be:
Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and
terminating characters have a special meaning. "very nomagic"
pattern: "The example file is /etc/passwd?"
Becomes: "The example file is /etc_passwd!"
(Point: terminator is not always '/' or '?')
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Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
terminating character (/ or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
Should be:
Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and
terminating characters have a special meaning. "very nomagic"
pattern: "The example file is /etc/passwd?"
Becomes: "The example file is /etc_passwd!"
(Point: terminator is not always '/' or '?')
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Thursday, December 20, 2018
Re: How to vim recognize ssh config file?
On 12/20/18 7:56 PM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> P.S. And regardless of whether you set 'filetype' or 'syntax', use
> :setlocal, not plain :set, in order to avoid setting the default for
> new files you write from scratch (the global default should be empty).
Duly noted.
Thank you for the explanation in the last email and the clarification in
this email Tony.
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> P.S. And regardless of whether you set 'filetype' or 'syntax', use
> :setlocal, not plain :set, in order to avoid setting the default for
> new files you write from scratch (the global default should be empty).
Duly noted.
Thank you for the explanation in the last email and the clarification in
this email Tony.
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Re: How to vim recognize ssh config file?
On 12/20/18 7:53 PM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 3:39 AM 'Grant Taylor' via vim_use
> <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Normally you set 'filetype', not 'syntax'.
Facepalm. You are correct. That's what I meant. I quickly edited
~/.ssh/config, ran :set, and looked for "ssh". I wondered about
"syntax", but didn't wonder enough to look a few lines below for:
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> On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 3:39 AM 'Grant Taylor' via vim_use
> <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Normally you set 'filetype', not 'syntax'.
Facepalm. You are correct. That's what I meant. I quickly edited
~/.ssh/config, ran :set, and looked for "ssh". I wondered about
"syntax", but didn't wonder enough to look a few lines below for:
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Re: How to vim recognize ssh config file?
On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 3:53 AM Tony Mechelynck
<antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 3:39 AM 'Grant Taylor' via vim_use
> <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 12/20/18 5:27 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
> > > Hi
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > > vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
> > > standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
> > > extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
> > > Thanks.
> >
> > I don't know the nuances of file type detection. But I do know that you
> > can easily set it for any arbitrary file by running the following command:
> >
> > :set syntax=sshconfig
> >
> > If you support mode lines (?) you can add that.
> Normally you set 'filetype', not 'syntax'. The difference is that
> 'filetype' sources the appropriate filetype-plugin(s) (which declare
> filetype-specific mappings, etc.); if filetype indenting is on it also
> sources the appropriate indent script, and in addition to all that it
> sets 'syntax' to the value of 'filetype' in order (if syntax
> highlighting is on) to setup the syntax highlighting. Setting only
> 'syntax' would set the syntax highlighting but not the mappings and
> (even if you have used "filetype indent on") not the filetype-specific
> indenting.
P.S. And regardless of whether you set 'filetype' or 'syntax', use
:setlocal, not plain :set, in order to avoid setting the default for
new files you write from scratch (the global default should be empty).
> Best regards,
> Tony.
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<antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 3:39 AM 'Grant Taylor' via vim_use
> <vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 12/20/18 5:27 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
> > > Hi
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > > vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
> > > standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
> > > extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
> > > Thanks.
> >
> > I don't know the nuances of file type detection. But I do know that you
> > can easily set it for any arbitrary file by running the following command:
> >
> > :set syntax=sshconfig
> >
> > If you support mode lines (?) you can add that.
> Normally you set 'filetype', not 'syntax'. The difference is that
> 'filetype' sources the appropriate filetype-plugin(s) (which declare
> filetype-specific mappings, etc.); if filetype indenting is on it also
> sources the appropriate indent script, and in addition to all that it
> sets 'syntax' to the value of 'filetype' in order (if syntax
> highlighting is on) to setup the syntax highlighting. Setting only
> 'syntax' would set the syntax highlighting but not the mappings and
> (even if you have used "filetype indent on") not the filetype-specific
> indenting.
P.S. And regardless of whether you set 'filetype' or 'syntax', use
:setlocal, not plain :set, in order to avoid setting the default for
new files you write from scratch (the global default should be empty).
> Best regards,
> Tony.
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Re: How to vim recognize ssh config file?
On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 3:39 AM 'Grant Taylor' via vim_use
<vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> On 12/20/18 5:27 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
> > Hi
> Hi,
> > vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
> > standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
> > extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
> > Thanks.
> I don't know the nuances of file type detection. But I do know that you
> can easily set it for any arbitrary file by running the following command:
> :set syntax=sshconfig
> If you support mode lines (?) you can add that.
Normally you set 'filetype', not 'syntax'. The difference is that
'filetype' sources the appropriate filetype-plugin(s) (which declare
filetype-specific mappings, etc.); if filetype indenting is on it also
sources the appropriate indent script, and in addition to all that it
sets 'syntax' to the value of 'filetype' in order (if syntax
highlighting is on) to setup the syntax highlighting. Setting only
'syntax' would set the syntax highlighting but not the mappings and
(even if you have used "filetype indent on") not the filetype-specific
Best regards,
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<vim_use@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> On 12/20/18 5:27 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
> > Hi
> Hi,
> > vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
> > standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
> > extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
> > Thanks.
> I don't know the nuances of file type detection. But I do know that you
> can easily set it for any arbitrary file by running the following command:
> :set syntax=sshconfig
> If you support mode lines (?) you can add that.
Normally you set 'filetype', not 'syntax'. The difference is that
'filetype' sources the appropriate filetype-plugin(s) (which declare
filetype-specific mappings, etc.); if filetype indenting is on it also
sources the appropriate indent script, and in addition to all that it
sets 'syntax' to the value of 'filetype' in order (if syntax
highlighting is on) to setup the syntax highlighting. Setting only
'syntax' would set the syntax highlighting but not the mappings and
(even if you have used "filetype indent on") not the filetype-specific
Best regards,
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Re: How to vim recognize ssh config file?
On 12/20/18 5:27 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi
> vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
> standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
> extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
> Thanks.
I don't know the nuances of file type detection. But I do know that you
can easily set it for any arbitrary file by running the following command:
:set syntax=sshconfig
If you support mode lines (?) you can add that.
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> Hi
> vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
> standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
> extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
> Thanks.
I don't know the nuances of file type detection. But I do know that you
can easily set it for any arbitrary file by running the following command:
:set syntax=sshconfig
If you support mode lines (?) you can add that.
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Re: How to vim recognize ssh config file?
On 2018-12-20, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi
> vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
> standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
> extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
> Thanks.
Vim recognizes only the patterns ssh_config and */.ssh/config.
(Open $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim and search for ssh.) There are
several ways to add your own non-standard pattern for a filetype.
See ":help new-filetype". I use the method of paragraph C.2: Create
the file ~/.vim/filetype.vim and put the following in it, where the
pattern I've shown as "config.ssh" can by anything you want.
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
augroup filetypedetect
au! BufNewFile,BufRead config.ssh setf sshconfig
augroup END
That said, and since you don't seem to care what the file is named,
it might be easiest to just name your file ssh_config.
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> Hi
> vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
> standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
> extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
> Thanks.
Vim recognizes only the patterns ssh_config and */.ssh/config.
(Open $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim and search for ssh.) There are
several ways to add your own non-standard pattern for a filetype.
See ":help new-filetype". I use the method of paragraph C.2: Create
the file ~/.vim/filetype.vim and put the following in it, where the
pattern I've shown as "config.ssh" can by anything you want.
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
augroup filetypedetect
au! BufNewFile,BufRead config.ssh setf sshconfig
augroup END
That said, and since you don't seem to care what the file is named,
it might be easiest to just name your file ssh_config.
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How to vim recognize ssh config file?
vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
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vim recognize ~/.ssh/config. But I'd like to recognize it in a none
standard location via some file extension. Is there a standard file
extension that will make vim recognize it in a none standard location?
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Re: ALT key mapping in windows 10
On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 12:36 AM John Little <john.b.little@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday, December 21, 2018 at 2:50:06 AM UTC+13, Deepak kumar wrote:
> > how to map ALT+ LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN keys in vimrc file?
> Generally, to find what vim can map, enter insert mode, type ctrl-v then what you want to map. If you see something, then that's what you can map. If not, vim isn't seeing the keys and has trouble mapping it. I see <M-Left> in gvim for alt+left.
> HTH, and regards, John Little
Yes, and in addition, sometimes (especially when running in a
terminal, but for some combinations also in gvim) different sets of
key+modifiers are not seen as different by Vim and as a result they
cannot be mapped separately. The canonical case is Ctrl-a to Ctrl-z
which is guaranteed to be seen as identical with Ctrl-Shift-a to
Ctrl-Shift-z. For Ctrl + cursor key, the presence vs. absence of Shift
may or may not make a difference depending on OS and on gvim vs.
Console Vim. For Alt + something, other modifiers are usually, but not
always, taken into consideration. You may have to experiment to
determine what is and isn't seen as different on your particular
Best regards,
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> On Friday, December 21, 2018 at 2:50:06 AM UTC+13, Deepak kumar wrote:
> > how to map ALT+ LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN keys in vimrc file?
> Generally, to find what vim can map, enter insert mode, type ctrl-v then what you want to map. If you see something, then that's what you can map. If not, vim isn't seeing the keys and has trouble mapping it. I see <M-Left> in gvim for alt+left.
> HTH, and regards, John Little
Yes, and in addition, sometimes (especially when running in a
terminal, but for some combinations also in gvim) different sets of
key+modifiers are not seen as different by Vim and as a result they
cannot be mapped separately. The canonical case is Ctrl-a to Ctrl-z
which is guaranteed to be seen as identical with Ctrl-Shift-a to
Ctrl-Shift-z. For Ctrl + cursor key, the presence vs. absence of Shift
may or may not make a difference depending on OS and on gvim vs.
Console Vim. For Alt + something, other modifiers are usually, but not
always, taken into consideration. You may have to experiment to
determine what is and isn't seen as different on your particular
Best regards,
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Re: ALT key mapping in windows 10
On Friday, December 21, 2018 at 2:50:06 AM UTC+13, Deepak kumar wrote:
> how to map ALT+ LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN keys in vimrc file?
Generally, to find what vim can map, enter insert mode, type ctrl-v then what you want to map. If you see something, then that's what you can map. If not, vim isn't seeing the keys and has trouble mapping it. I see <M-Left> in gvim for alt+left.
HTH, and regards, John Little
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> how to map ALT+ LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN keys in vimrc file?
Generally, to find what vim can map, enter insert mode, type ctrl-v then what you want to map. If you see something, then that's what you can map. If not, vim isn't seeing the keys and has trouble mapping it. I see <M-Left> in gvim for alt+left.
HTH, and regards, John Little
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RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Windows, Vim and command line copies
> > copy and paste directly out of the vim command line
> I don't think you can copy the text displayed by a command in GUI Vim.
> This tip has information on :redir
> https://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Capture_ex_command_output
> A trick for options allows the value to be pasted into the current buffer or copied into the clipboard register:
> :put =&guifont
> :let @+ = &guifont
Cool trick. Obviously I don't have the correct search words for that one, as I didn't find
anything like that.
Thanks for that!
> > btw, please delete the account ...
> The account you mentioned was listed as "bouncing" meaning that messages emailed to
> the address were being returned as undelivered. I removed the account from the
> mailing list.
Thanks. Yeah, if I had left on my own terms (which I was in process ANYWAY), I would have
removed all of my e-mail groups...
> John
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> I don't think you can copy the text displayed by a command in GUI Vim.
> This tip has information on :redir
> https://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Capture_ex_command_output
> A trick for options allows the value to be pasted into the current buffer or copied into the clipboard register:
> :put =&guifont
> :let @+ = &guifont
Cool trick. Obviously I don't have the correct search words for that one, as I didn't find
anything like that.
Thanks for that!
> > btw, please delete the account ...
> The account you mentioned was listed as "bouncing" meaning that messages emailed to
> the address were being returned as undelivered. I removed the account from the
> mailing list.
Thanks. Yeah, if I had left on my own terms (which I was in process ANYWAY), I would have
removed all of my e-mail groups...
> John
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ALT key mapping in windows 10
Hi Vim Users,
I am a vim user on Unix like machines but for my current project, I have to use it on windows 10 machine.
how to map ALT+ LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN keys in vimrc file?
currently, I using like this: nmap <silent> <A-Up> :wincmd k<CR>
Can anyone please suggest vim configuration on windows(including NERDTree and all?
Thank & Regards,
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I am a vim user on Unix like machines but for my current project, I have to use it on windows 10 machine.
how to map ALT+ LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN keys in vimrc file?
currently, I using like this: nmap <silent> <A-Up> :wincmd k<CR>
Can anyone please suggest vim configuration on windows(including NERDTree and all?
Thank & Regards,
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Re: operator's "count" doesn't work
On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 7:35 AM Vladimir Stenbock <vstenbock@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to delete N substrings inside double quotes
> word1 word2 "substring1" word3 "substring2" word4 word5 "substring3"
> but :norm 3da" doesn't work
Under |aquote| it is said (/in fine/) "A count is currently not used."
so this is expected.
You might try the following (untested)
function DelString(...)
if a:0 == 0
let i = 1
elseif type(a:1) == type(0)
let i = a:1
echoerr ":DSt / DelString() argument should be a
Number or omitted"
let @/ = '"\ze\B' |" caution: operand starts with
single then double quotes
while i > 0
normal nda"
let i -= 1
command -nargs=? -bar DSt call DelString(<args>)
If I didn't goof, then :DSt alone should delete one double-quoted
string, or :DSt followed by a count should delete that number of
double-quoted strings anywhere in the file starting at the earliest on
the character immediately following the cursor. (Caution: if there are
fewer than that number of strings after the cursor, and 'wrapscan' is
on (default) then more strings will be deleted starting at the top of
the file.) The :let @/ line checks that the opening quote is not
followed by a space; change the pattern if you want different
behaviour. Special case: :Dst 0 or :Dst with a negative argument
should do nothing; a non-numeric argument should throw an error.
Best regards,
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> I want to delete N substrings inside double quotes
> word1 word2 "substring1" word3 "substring2" word4 word5 "substring3"
> but :norm 3da" doesn't work
Under |aquote| it is said (/in fine/) "A count is currently not used."
so this is expected.
You might try the following (untested)
function DelString(...)
if a:0 == 0
let i = 1
elseif type(a:1) == type(0)
let i = a:1
echoerr ":DSt / DelString() argument should be a
Number or omitted"
let @/ = '"\ze\B' |" caution: operand starts with
single then double quotes
while i > 0
normal nda"
let i -= 1
command -nargs=? -bar DSt call DelString(<args>)
If I didn't goof, then :DSt alone should delete one double-quoted
string, or :DSt followed by a count should delete that number of
double-quoted strings anywhere in the file starting at the earliest on
the character immediately following the cursor. (Caution: if there are
fewer than that number of strings after the cursor, and 'wrapscan' is
on (default) then more strings will be deleted starting at the top of
the file.) The :let @/ line checks that the opening quote is not
followed by a space; change the pattern if you want different
behaviour. Special case: :Dst 0 or :Dst with a negative argument
should do nothing; a non-numeric argument should throw an error.
Best regards,
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Re: Windows, Vim and command line copies
On Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 2:06:22 PM UTC+11, Kennedy, Marcus A. wrote:
> copy and paste directly out of the vim command line
I don't think you can copy the text displayed by a command in GUI Vim.
This tip has information on :redir
A trick for options allows the value to be pasted into the current buffer or copied into the clipboard register:
:put =&guifont
:let @+ = &guifont
> btw, please delete the account ...
The account you mentioned was listed as "bouncing" meaning that messages emailed to the address were being returned as undelivered. I removed the account from the mailing list.
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> copy and paste directly out of the vim command line
I don't think you can copy the text displayed by a command in GUI Vim.
This tip has information on :redir
A trick for options allows the value to be pasted into the current buffer or copied into the clipboard register:
:put =&guifont
:let @+ = &guifont
> btw, please delete the account ...
The account you mentioned was listed as "bouncing" meaning that messages emailed to the address were being returned as undelivered. I removed the account from the mailing list.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018
operator's "count" doesn't work
I want to delete N substrings inside double quotes
word1 word2 "substring1" word3 "substring2" word4 word5 "substring3"
but :norm 3da" doesn't work
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word1 word2 "substring1" word3 "substring2" word4 word5 "substring3"
but :norm 3da" doesn't work
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Re: new behavior of substitute command
Em qua, 12 de dez de 2018 às 19:09, AS <097115@gmail.com> escreveu:
On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 9:21:31 AM UTC+2, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > I'm using MacVim 8.1, patches 1-560 and I notice a change in the
> > behavior of substitution command. Now it starts to search for text as
> > I type it in the command bar, as of the search command. This is good
> > but I lost the possibility to use the keys <C-R>-w to copy word under
> > cursor to be replaced.
> :set noincsearch
Am I missing something? I :set incsearch and still perfectly capable of using <C-r><C-w> while in the command line editing the substitute command (both for the search and for the replacement patterns). Here's a gif: https://i.imgur.com/E5YRwza.gif
(My Vim is a bit older, 8.1.450, but seems like it shouldn't matter: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/8.1/README)
Thanks Bram, Christian.
Hi, AS.
Indeed. As Bram wrote, when <C-R><C-W> are the first typed keys, the word under cursor gets inserted.
I am used to type "\<" just before that, to be sure to replace just "that" word. Typing "\<" before <C-R><C-W> doesn't work any more, the cursor will move to another location. But, as Bram wrote, I can type <C-R><C-W> right after typing ":s/". Then, using the arrow keys, I insert the "\<" before and "\>" after to specialize the substitution. That is fine to me. Works perfectly.
Thank you all.
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Windows, Vim and command line copies
Not a novice user to VIM (btw, please delete the account andy.kennedy@adtran.com if it didn't already as I'm not there anymore), but I have a noob question.
I'm now working in Windows -- and feeling dirty -- but within Konsole, I used to be able to copy and paste directly out of the vim command line. Now, I have a text that I wanted to copy: after set guifont, I get the text guifont=Courier_New:h8:cANSI:qDRAFT and wanted to copy it (which I can do now from LOOKOUT! since I've typed it in), but I would like to know how I can do this for the future.
This is GVim2 for Windows, version 8.1.1.
So sorry for the noob question, and thanks to all the developers for making my life in Windows easier by porting Vim to it!
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Not a novice user to VIM (btw, please delete the account andy.kennedy@adtran.com if it didn't already as I'm not there anymore), but I have a noob question.
I'm now working in Windows -- and feeling dirty -- but within Konsole, I used to be able to copy and paste directly out of the vim command line. Now, I have a text that I wanted to copy: after set guifont, I get the text guifont=Courier_New:h8:cANSI:qDRAFT and wanted to copy it (which I can do now from LOOKOUT! since I've typed it in), but I would like to know how I can do this for the future.
This is GVim2 for Windows, version 8.1.1.
So sorry for the noob question, and thanks to all the developers for making my life in Windows easier by porting Vim to it!
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Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Vim books page updated
Hello Vimmers,
A new book about Vim has been published: "Matering Vim". It was written
by Ruslan Osipov.
While updating the page about Vim books I found two more books that were
published earlier this year.
You can find the overview here: https://iccf-holland.org/vim_books.html
If there is something useful to add to the remarks, let me know.
You can also check the reviews on the Amazon sites.
In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the
Galaxy, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" has already supplanted the
great "Encyclopedia Galactica" as the standard repository of all knowledge
and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is
apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more
pedestrian work in two important respects.
First, it is slightly cheaper; and second, it has the words "DON'T PANIC"
inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover.
-- Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///
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A new book about Vim has been published: "Matering Vim". It was written
by Ruslan Osipov.
While updating the page about Vim books I found two more books that were
published earlier this year.
You can find the overview here: https://iccf-holland.org/vim_books.html
If there is something useful to add to the remarks, let me know.
You can also check the reviews on the Amazon sites.
In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the
Galaxy, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" has already supplanted the
great "Encyclopedia Galactica" as the standard repository of all knowledge
and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is
apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more
pedestrian work in two important respects.
First, it is slightly cheaper; and second, it has the words "DON'T PANIC"
inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover.
-- Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
/// Bram Moolenaar -- Bram@Moolenaar.net -- http://www.Moolenaar.net \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- http://www.Vim.org/sponsor/ \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- http://www.Zimbu.org ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org ///
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Monday, December 17, 2018
Simplify commands' same
I use these commands in a plugin:
command! -nargs=0 Explore
\ call explorer#explorePaths(get(b:array,line(".")-1))
command! -nargs=0 ExplorerUniteLauncher
\call explorer#UniteLauncher(get(b:array,line(".")-1))
command! -nargs=0 ExplorerUniteRenamer
\call explorer#UniteRenamer(get(b:array,line(".")-1))
command! -nargs=0 ExplorerUniteDeleter
\call explorer#UniteDeleter(get(b:array,line(".")-1),1)
How can I "register" the arg value which is always the same one :
Thank you
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I use these commands in a plugin:
command! -nargs=0 Explore
\ call explorer#explorePaths(get(b:array,line(".")-1))
command! -nargs=0 ExplorerUniteLauncher
\call explorer#UniteLauncher(get(b:array,line(".")-1))
command! -nargs=0 ExplorerUniteRenamer
\call explorer#UniteRenamer(get(b:array,line(".")-1))
command! -nargs=0 ExplorerUniteDeleter
\call explorer#UniteDeleter(get(b:array,line(".")-1),1)
How can I "register" the arg value which is always the same one :
Thank you
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Re: remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
Does anyone else feel nostalgia for the days when, once you'd got the
terminal running at the right frequency, length and parity, you didn't
have to worry about an unknown number of functions leaping out from under
their bridges to molest your character strings, (except for Ctl-s)? :-)*
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terminal running at the right frequency, length and parity, you didn't
have to worry about an unknown number of functions leaping out from under
their bridges to molest your character strings, (except for Ctl-s)? :-)*
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Re: remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
I made progress after finding my mistakes.
I will map 'something else' to C-\ in terminal mode and command mode.
Thank you again for your replies which help so much.
take care,
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I made progress after finding my mistakes.
I will map 'something else' to C-\ in terminal mode and command mode.
Thank you again for your replies which help so much.
take care,
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Re: remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 3:56 PM M Kelly <mckelly2833@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> If the window mgr grabs C-\ then I don't think it will work ?
> I did test but will test again, I propably messed something up.
As Christan said, if you map something else to Ctrl-\ the Ctrl-\ will
never be actually generated and your window manager won't see it. For
instance, if you add to your vimrc
noremap <F6> <C-\>
noremap! <F6> <C-\>
then save it and restart Vim, when you hit F6 your window manager will
see F6, pass it to Vim, which will interpret it as having the function
of Ctrl-\.
It is not needed to unmap Ctrl-\, you can have several keys for a
single function. If you do
:map <C-\> <Nop>
then Vim won't act on the Ctrl-\ key combo even if the winmanager
doesn't grab it but it will still act on the :noremap'ped F6.
> I think what I'm hoping for is if perhaps we knew something like:
> C-\ calls function foo() ...
By default, Ctrl-\ calls different functions in C depending on
context, we have no access to those; but if we map something to <C-\>
it will call those same C functions in the same contexts, and the
winmanager will never see a Ctrl-\
> then I can unmap C-\ and map C-x (or S-F12) to call function foo()
> and then I get the same functionality from a different key sequence
> and the window mgr can grab C-\ all it wants.
> thx so much for your help,
> -m
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> Hi,
> If the window mgr grabs C-\ then I don't think it will work ?
> I did test but will test again, I propably messed something up.
As Christan said, if you map something else to Ctrl-\ the Ctrl-\ will
never be actually generated and your window manager won't see it. For
instance, if you add to your vimrc
noremap <F6> <C-\>
noremap! <F6> <C-\>
then save it and restart Vim, when you hit F6 your window manager will
see F6, pass it to Vim, which will interpret it as having the function
of Ctrl-\.
It is not needed to unmap Ctrl-\, you can have several keys for a
single function. If you do
:map <C-\> <Nop>
then Vim won't act on the Ctrl-\ key combo even if the winmanager
doesn't grab it but it will still act on the :noremap'ped F6.
> I think what I'm hoping for is if perhaps we knew something like:
> C-\ calls function foo() ...
By default, Ctrl-\ calls different functions in C depending on
context, we have no access to those; but if we map something to <C-\>
it will call those same C functions in the same contexts, and the
winmanager will never see a Ctrl-\
> then I can unmap C-\ and map C-x (or S-F12) to call function foo()
> and then I get the same functionality from a different key sequence
> and the window mgr can grab C-\ all it wants.
> thx so much for your help,
> -m
Best regards,
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Re: remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
> window manager won't receive the key from inside Vim. So
I think this is the issue - for me yes, the window mgr wins
and I try to make sure it and vim do not use the same key sequences.
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> window manager won't receive the key from inside Vim. So
I think this is the issue - for me yes, the window mgr wins
and I try to make sure it and vim do not use the same key sequences.
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Re: remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
On Mo, 17 Dez 2018, M Kelly wrote:
> Hi,
> If the window mgr grabs C-\ then I don't think it will work ?
> I did test but will test again, I propably messed something up.
> I think what I'm hoping for is if perhaps we knew something like:
> C-\ calls function foo() ...
> then I can unmap C-\ and map C-x (or S-F12) to call function foo()
> and then I get the same functionality from a different key sequence
> and the window mgr can grab C-\ all it wants.
I am not sure what exact command you want to map, since there are a
couple of C-\ commands within Vim available. But even if your window
manager grabs C-\ you can still map another key to send the C-\ as the
window manager won't receive the key from inside Vim. So
nnoremap <f6> <c-\>
will make the <f6> key an alias to the <c-\>
Und hier noch eine wichtige Verkehrsdurchsage: Der Idiot, der auf der
Autobahn A9 in falscher Richtung fuhr, klebt jetzt am Kühler eines
Lasters und fährt wieder in richtiger Richtung.
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> Hi,
> If the window mgr grabs C-\ then I don't think it will work ?
> I did test but will test again, I propably messed something up.
> I think what I'm hoping for is if perhaps we knew something like:
> C-\ calls function foo() ...
> then I can unmap C-\ and map C-x (or S-F12) to call function foo()
> and then I get the same functionality from a different key sequence
> and the window mgr can grab C-\ all it wants.
I am not sure what exact command you want to map, since there are a
couple of C-\ commands within Vim available. But even if your window
manager grabs C-\ you can still map another key to send the C-\ as the
window manager won't receive the key from inside Vim. So
nnoremap <f6> <c-\>
will make the <f6> key an alias to the <c-\>
Und hier noch eine wichtige Verkehrsdurchsage: Der Idiot, der auf der
Autobahn A9 in falscher Richtung fuhr, klebt jetzt am Kühler eines
Lasters und fährt wieder in richtiger Richtung.
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Re: remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
If the window mgr grabs C-\ then I don't think it will work ?
I did test but will test again, I propably messed something up.
I think what I'm hoping for is if perhaps we knew something like:
C-\ calls function foo() ...
then I can unmap C-\ and map C-x (or S-F12) to call function foo()
and then I get the same functionality from a different key sequence
and the window mgr can grab C-\ all it wants.
thx so much for your help,
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If the window mgr grabs C-\ then I don't think it will work ?
I did test but will test again, I propably messed something up.
I think what I'm hoping for is if perhaps we knew something like:
C-\ calls function foo() ...
then I can unmap C-\ and map C-x (or S-F12) to call function foo()
and then I get the same functionality from a different key sequence
and the window mgr can grab C-\ all it wants.
thx so much for your help,
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Re: remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 1:58 PM M Kelly <mckelly2833@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tony, hi
> Sorry for not being more precise -
> I mean make another key do what C-\ does, but my difficult point is
> that another program (like a window mgr etc.) might grab C-\ before vim,
> so I don't mean map C-x to C-\ for exmaple.
> thx,
> -m
Apparently you didn't try.
The best keys to use as {lhs} in Vim are the Fn keys, with or without
Shift (your window manager might grab those with Ctrl) with the
exception of unshifted F1 (Help) and possibly F10 (Menu), plus any
non-ASCII printing key your keyboard might have (for instance mine has
² ³ § é è ç à ù µ £ plus a dead key for diaeresis and circumflex, and
that's before adding all my AltGr combinations).
So I tried
:cmap <S-F12> <C-\>
(in my usual gvim, a Big build of Vim 8.1.606 with GTK2 GUI) and it
worked (i.e. Shift-F12 e on the command line did what Ctrl-\ e is
supposed to do). (The operands are of course typed in full, in <>
To remap it in all modes, use both
:map <S-F12> <C-\>
:map! <S-F12> <C-\>
possibly replacing <S-F12> by the <> representation of any other Fn
key you aren't yet using as the {lhs} of a mapping.
Best regards,
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> Tony, hi
> Sorry for not being more precise -
> I mean make another key do what C-\ does, but my difficult point is
> that another program (like a window mgr etc.) might grab C-\ before vim,
> so I don't mean map C-x to C-\ for exmaple.
> thx,
> -m
Apparently you didn't try.
The best keys to use as {lhs} in Vim are the Fn keys, with or without
Shift (your window manager might grab those with Ctrl) with the
exception of unshifted F1 (Help) and possibly F10 (Menu), plus any
non-ASCII printing key your keyboard might have (for instance mine has
² ³ § é è ç à ù µ £ plus a dead key for diaeresis and circumflex, and
that's before adding all my AltGr combinations).
So I tried
:cmap <S-F12> <C-\>
(in my usual gvim, a Big build of Vim 8.1.606 with GTK2 GUI) and it
worked (i.e. Shift-F12 e on the command line did what Ctrl-\ e is
supposed to do). (The operands are of course typed in full, in <>
To remap it in all modes, use both
:map <S-F12> <C-\>
:map! <S-F12> <C-\>
possibly replacing <S-F12> by the <> representation of any other Fn
key you aren't yet using as the {lhs} of a mapping.
Best regards,
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Re: remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
Tony, hi
Sorry for not being more precise -
I mean make another key do what C-\ does, but my difficult point is
that another program (like a window mgr etc.) might grab C-\ before vim,
so I don't mean map C-x to C-\ for exmaple.
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Sorry for not being more precise -
I mean make another key do what C-\ does, but my difficult point is
that another program (like a window mgr etc.) might grab C-\ before vim,
so I don't mean map C-x to C-\ for exmaple.
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Re: remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 1:31 PM M Kelly <mckelly2833@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
1. Do you mean "make it do something else than its default action" or
"make a different key act like Ctrl-\"?
2. Have you tried?
If you have, and been unsuccessful, what exactly did you do (step by
step), and on which Vim version on which OS?
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> Hi,
> Is it possible to remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
1. Do you mean "make it do something else than its default action" or
"make a different key act like Ctrl-\"?
2. Have you tried?
If you have, and been unsuccessful, what exactly did you do (step by
step), and on which Vim version on which OS?
Best regards,
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remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
Is it possible to remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
thx for all that is vim,
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Is it possible to remap C-\ to a different C- key ?
thx for all that is vim,
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Re: Where to find recent stable Windows builds
On Do, 13 Dez 2018, Jonathan Fudger wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I used to use the "Vim without Cream" binaries to get a recent build of Vim on Windows. Unfortunately these seem have stopped at 8.0.1616, so there are no builds of Vim 8.1.
> I am nervous about using the latest overnight build (from vim-win32-installer or tuxproject.de) after trying a couple which were unusable).
> Is there anywhere else to find a recent, stable(-ish) build of Vim 8.1?
The vim-win32-installer builds are pretty stable. What exactly do you
mean with them being "unusable"? I haven't heard any such complaints
Wie man sein Kind nicht nennen sollte:
B. Klopt
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> Hi everyone,
> I used to use the "Vim without Cream" binaries to get a recent build of Vim on Windows. Unfortunately these seem have stopped at 8.0.1616, so there are no builds of Vim 8.1.
> I am nervous about using the latest overnight build (from vim-win32-installer or tuxproject.de) after trying a couple which were unusable).
> Is there anywhere else to find a recent, stable(-ish) build of Vim 8.1?
The vim-win32-installer builds are pretty stable. What exactly do you
mean with them being "unusable"? I haven't heard any such complaints
Wie man sein Kind nicht nennen sollte:
B. Klopt
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Sunday, December 16, 2018
Re: mappings when in vim from terminal not the same
Tony, hi
> When in Terminal-Job mode, _only_ the mappings defined by tmap or
> :tnoremap are active. OTOH, these mappings are active nowhere else.
If I start a bash as a terminal job, and in that bash I start vim (I know circular and maybe not ok, but its what I did), then I still have
some tmaps active in that vim in its normal mode - or it acts that way.
Anyway, it may be too much to bother with, but it was interesting.
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> When in Terminal-Job mode, _only_ the mappings defined by tmap or
> :tnoremap are active. OTOH, these mappings are active nowhere else.
If I start a bash as a terminal job, and in that bash I start vim (I know circular and maybe not ok, but its what I did), then I still have
some tmaps active in that vim in its normal mode - or it acts that way.
Anyway, it may be too much to bother with, but it was interesting.
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Saturday, December 15, 2018
Re: mappings when in vim from terminal not the same
On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 7:46 PM M Kelly <mckelly2833@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> One thing _I think_ is happening is my tmaps are being honored instead of (or perhaps before) my nmaps.
> Perhaps I can tunmap some maps in this case ?
> I'll post what I find.
> thx,
> -m
When in Terminal-Job mode, _only_ the mappings defined by tmap or
:tnoremap are active. OTOH, these mappings are active nowhere else.
:help Terminal-Job
:help map-overview
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> Hi,
> One thing _I think_ is happening is my tmaps are being honored instead of (or perhaps before) my nmaps.
> Perhaps I can tunmap some maps in this case ?
> I'll post what I find.
> thx,
> -m
When in Terminal-Job mode, _only_ the mappings defined by tmap or
:tnoremap are active. OTOH, these mappings are active nowhere else.
:help Terminal-Job
:help map-overview
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Re: mappings when in vim from terminal not the same
One thing _I think_ is happening is my tmaps are being honored instead of (or perhaps before) my nmaps.
Perhaps I can tunmap some maps in this case ?
I'll post what I find.
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One thing _I think_ is happening is my tmaps are being honored instead of (or perhaps before) my nmaps.
Perhaps I can tunmap some maps in this case ?
I'll post what I find.
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Re: search file for text in reg ?
> /<Ctrl-R>a
Tony, thanks, That is also great to know and I will use it.
thank you and everyone for vim,
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> /<Ctrl-R>a
Tony, thanks, That is also great to know and I will use it.
thank you and everyone for vim,
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Re: search file for text in reg ?
On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 6:55 PM Tim Chase <vim@tim.thechases.com> wrote:
> On 2018-12-14 09:48, M Kelly wrote:
> > Is there a way to search a file for the text that is in a register ?
> Is the content of the register literal text or a regular expression?
> If it's a regular expression (or doesn't have any regex metachars in
> it), you can use
> :let @/=@a
where <Ctrl-R> means "hit the Ctrl-R key combination", and replacing a
by the one-character name of the register in question. (Ctrl-R a
inserts he contens of register a in Insert and Command-line modes, see
"help c_CTRL-R".) Then hit <Enter> after the register name (also for
the :let statement).
> where "@a" is the register in question. You can then use n/N to
> navigate forward/backward.
> If it's literal text that might contain regexp metachars, you have to
> escape them:
> :let @/=escape(@a, '.*\\$^')
> (adjust the set of escaped characters accordingly; I just grabbed a
> few I knew to be problematic)
then add escaping backslashes if and where needed by editing the
command-line before you hit <Enter>.
> -tim
Best regards,
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> On 2018-12-14 09:48, M Kelly wrote:
> > Is there a way to search a file for the text that is in a register ?
> Is the content of the register literal text or a regular expression?
> If it's a regular expression (or doesn't have any regex metachars in
> it), you can use
> :let @/=@a
where <Ctrl-R> means "hit the Ctrl-R key combination", and replacing a
by the one-character name of the register in question. (Ctrl-R a
inserts he contens of register a in Insert and Command-line modes, see
"help c_CTRL-R".) Then hit <Enter> after the register name (also for
the :let statement).
> where "@a" is the register in question. You can then use n/N to
> navigate forward/backward.
> If it's literal text that might contain regexp metachars, you have to
> escape them:
> :let @/=escape(@a, '.*\\$^')
> (adjust the set of escaped characters accordingly; I just grabbed a
> few I knew to be problematic)
then add escaping backslashes if and where needed by editing the
command-line before you hit <Enter>.
> -tim
Best regards,
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Friday, December 14, 2018
Re: search file for text in reg ?
> :let @/=@a
Awesome, thank you Tim.
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> :let @/=@a
Awesome, thank you Tim.
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Re: search file for text in reg ?
On 2018-12-14 09:48, M Kelly wrote:
> Is there a way to search a file for the text that is in a register ?
Is the content of the register literal text or a regular expression?
If it's a regular expression (or doesn't have any regex metachars in
it), you can use
:let @/=@a
where "@a" is the register in question. You can then use n/N to
navigate forward/backward.
If it's literal text that might contain regexp metachars, you have to
escape them:
:let @/=escape(@a, '.*\\$^')
(adjust the set of escaped characters accordingly; I just grabbed a
few I knew to be problematic)
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> Is there a way to search a file for the text that is in a register ?
Is the content of the register literal text or a regular expression?
If it's a regular expression (or doesn't have any regex metachars in
it), you can use
:let @/=@a
where "@a" is the register in question. You can then use n/N to
navigate forward/backward.
If it's literal text that might contain regexp metachars, you have to
escape them:
:let @/=escape(@a, '.*\\$^')
(adjust the set of escaped characters accordingly; I just grabbed a
few I knew to be problematic)
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search file for text in reg ?
Is there a way to search a file for the text that is in a register ?
thx always for everything vim,
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Is there a way to search a file for the text that is in a register ?
thx always for everything vim,
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Thursday, December 13, 2018
Re: query about vim replacement
2018-12-13 16:08 GMT+01:00, Kumar Vaddi <kumar.vsrp@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I want to replace syntax in files like below in gvim. The file has 90000
> lines. manually replacing is very tough.
> 1) -from { replaced with -from {abc.abc_core.
> 2) -from [a-z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[a-z]+
> 3) -from [A-Z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[A-Z}+
> 4) -from * replaced with -from abc.abc_core.*
> can you please help me in this regard.
> Thanks,
> Kumar
:%s/-from {/-from {abc.abc_core./g
:%s/-from \([A-Za-z*]\+\)/-from abc.abc_core.\1/g
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> Hi,
> I want to replace syntax in files like below in gvim. The file has 90000
> lines. manually replacing is very tough.
> 1) -from { replaced with -from {abc.abc_core.
> 2) -from [a-z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[a-z]+
> 3) -from [A-Z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[A-Z}+
> 4) -from * replaced with -from abc.abc_core.*
> can you please help me in this regard.
> Thanks,
> Kumar
:%s/-from {/-from {abc.abc_core./g
:%s/-from \([A-Za-z*]\+\)/-from abc.abc_core.\1/g
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Re: query about vim replacement
On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 4:14 PM Kumar Vaddi <kumar.vsrp@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to replace syntax in files like below in gvim. The file has 90000 lines. manually replacing is very tough.
> 1) -from { replaced with -from {abc.abc_core.
> 2) -from [a-z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[a-z]+
> 3) -from [A-Z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[A-Z}+
> 4) -from * replaced with -from abc.abc_core.*
> can you please help me in this regard.
> Thanks,
> Kumar
This looks like a job for the :s[ubstitute] command (see ":help :s"
and ":help pattern-overview"). Note that Vim patterns are similar to,
but subtly different from, those used by Perl, grep, less, etc. For
option 4, just replace "-from " by "-from abc.abc_core." by means of
:%s/-from /\0abc\.abc_core\./g
The ending /g is only necessary if there can be more than one
replacement per line. In addition, insert ^ before -from if it must be
at the start of a line.
For the others, the same with /gc at the end instead of /g (or /c
instead of nothing) will let you answer y or n for each replacement.
Or slightly more complex patterns will let you specify more in detail
what to replace by what.
After studying the two help topics mentioned above, and what comes
around them, you should be able to (a) understand what my example
above is doing and how, and (b) how to make it more selective.
Best regards,
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> Hi,
> I want to replace syntax in files like below in gvim. The file has 90000 lines. manually replacing is very tough.
> 1) -from { replaced with -from {abc.abc_core.
> 2) -from [a-z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[a-z]+
> 3) -from [A-Z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[A-Z}+
> 4) -from * replaced with -from abc.abc_core.*
> can you please help me in this regard.
> Thanks,
> Kumar
This looks like a job for the :s[ubstitute] command (see ":help :s"
and ":help pattern-overview"). Note that Vim patterns are similar to,
but subtly different from, those used by Perl, grep, less, etc. For
option 4, just replace "-from " by "-from abc.abc_core." by means of
:%s/-from /\0abc\.abc_core\./g
The ending /g is only necessary if there can be more than one
replacement per line. In addition, insert ^ before -from if it must be
at the start of a line.
For the others, the same with /gc at the end instead of /g (or /c
instead of nothing) will let you answer y or n for each replacement.
Or slightly more complex patterns will let you specify more in detail
what to replace by what.
After studying the two help topics mentioned above, and what comes
around them, you should be able to (a) understand what my example
above is doing and how, and (b) how to make it more selective.
Best regards,
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query about vim replacement
I want to replace syntax in files like below in gvim. The file has 90000 lines. manually replacing is very tough.
1) -from { replaced with -from {abc.abc_core.
2) -from [a-z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[a-z]+
3) -from [A-Z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[A-Z}+
4) -from * replaced with -from abc.abc_core.*
can you please help me in this regard.
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I want to replace syntax in files like below in gvim. The file has 90000 lines. manually replacing is very tough.
1) -from { replaced with -from {abc.abc_core.
2) -from [a-z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[a-z]+
3) -from [A-Z]+ replaced with -from abc.abc_core.[A-Z}+
4) -from * replaced with -from abc.abc_core.*
can you please help me in this regard.
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Re: Where to find recent stable Windows builds
On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 2:30 PM Jonathan Fudger <j.p.fudger@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I used to use the "Vim without Cream" binaries to get a recent build of Vim on Windows. Unfortunately these seem have stopped at 8.0.1616, so there are no builds of Vim 8.1.
> I am nervous about using the latest overnight build (from vim-win32-installer or tuxproject.de) after trying a couple which were unusable).
> Is there anywhere else to find a recent, stable(-ish) build of Vim 8.1?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> --
> --
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"Vim without Cream" used to be one of the best. If you can't find
precompiled Vim executables for Windows, you can as a last resort
compile your own. It is not really hard once you get the hang of it,
and it affords you full freedom of which features to include or omit.
In addition to the (formerly Cygwin and) MinGW compiler described in
the last link below (note 4), MS Visual Studio (see note 3) has been
said to work well for compiling Vim on Windows, and there are others,
see the "Microsoft Windows" column under Note 2 below.
1. https://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Getting_the_Vim_source_with_Mercurial
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_compilers#C_compilers
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Visual_Studio#Community
4. http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compile.htm
Best regards,
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> Hi everyone,
> I used to use the "Vim without Cream" binaries to get a recent build of Vim on Windows. Unfortunately these seem have stopped at 8.0.1616, so there are no builds of Vim 8.1.
> I am nervous about using the latest overnight build (from vim-win32-installer or tuxproject.de) after trying a couple which were unusable).
> Is there anywhere else to find a recent, stable(-ish) build of Vim 8.1?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> --
> --
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"Vim without Cream" used to be one of the best. If you can't find
precompiled Vim executables for Windows, you can as a last resort
compile your own. It is not really hard once you get the hang of it,
and it affords you full freedom of which features to include or omit.
In addition to the (formerly Cygwin and) MinGW compiler described in
the last link below (note 4), MS Visual Studio (see note 3) has been
said to work well for compiling Vim on Windows, and there are others,
see the "Microsoft Windows" column under Note 2 below.
1. https://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Getting_the_Vim_source_with_Mercurial
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_compilers#C_compilers
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Visual_Studio#Community
4. http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compile.htm
Best regards,
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