Friday, December 7, 2018

Re: :p & :P bugs?

Tim Chase wrote:

> Brought to my attention by this thread:
> It seems to me that :p should always only print the line, even if
> 'number' is set. If you want to print the line with its line-number,
> you can either use ":p#" (:help ex-flags) or even just ":#". But
> without storing 'nu' and deactivating it before issuing and restoring
> the state of 'nu' after, there's no way to get unnumbered results.
> Additionally, while reading over those docs, I encountered that
> ":P[rint]" should do the same thing as ":p", but netrwPlugin.vim
> overrides ":P" in a fairly stock environment (in a fresh OpenBSD
> system, installed vim; invoking "vim" had netrwPlugin loaded). That
> said, if invoked as "vim -u NONE", the `:P` works as documented. So
> it seems like either the docs should be updated so that ":help :P"
> goes to netrw docs; or netrw's "Pexplore" shouldn't override the
> built-in ":P"
> (and here's hoping that your mail-client doesn't turn all those
> colon-P strings into smile-with-tongue-out emoji)

These are old Vi commands. Keeping them working as they did in the past
40 years is more important than some tuning of their behavior.

If you actually use :P for printing a line (I never do that), you can
redefine :Pexplore somehow. I don't think there are enough users that
run into this for it to matter.

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