Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Re: new behavior of substitute command

Em qua, 12 de dez de 2018 às 19:09, AS <> escreveu:
On Monday, December 10, 2018 at 9:21:31 AM UTC+2, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > I'm using MacVim 8.1, patches 1-560 and I notice a change in the
> > behavior of substitution command. Now it starts to search for text as
> > I type it in the command bar, as of the search command. This is good
> > but I lost the possibility to use the keys <C-R>-w to copy word under
> > cursor to be replaced.
> :set noincsearch

Am I missing something? I :set incsearch and still perfectly capable of using <C-r><C-w> while in the command line editing the substitute command (both for the search and for the replacement patterns). Here's a gif:

(My Vim is a bit older, 8.1.450, but seems like it shouldn't matter:


Thanks Bram, Christian.

Hi, AS.

Indeed. As Bram wrote, when <C-R><C-W> are the first typed keys, the word under cursor gets inserted.
I am used to type "\<" just before that, to be sure to replace just "that" word. Typing "\<" before <C-R><C-W> doesn't work any more, the cursor will move to another location. But, as Bram wrote, I can type <C-R><C-W> right after typing ":s/". Then, using the arrow keys, I insert the "\<" before and "\>" after to specialize the substitution. That is fine to me. Works perfectly.

Thank you all.

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