Monday, December 24, 2018

Re: slight correction in online help under Magic \V

Linda Walsh wrote:

> This sentence:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
> terminating character (/ or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Should be:
> Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and
> terminating characters have a special meaning. "very nomagic"
> Example:
> pattern: "The example file is /etc/passwd?"
> :s!\V/etc/passwd?!/etc_passwd\!!
> Becomes: "The example file is /etc_passwd!"
> (Point: terminator is not always '/' or '?')

Right, it can be another character. But only that character, not
several. Perhaps this is clearer:

Use of "\V" means that in the pattern after it only the backslash and the
terminating character (usually / or ?) has a special meaning. "very nomagic"

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