Monday, December 17, 2018

Re: Where to find recent stable Windows builds

On Do, 13 Dez 2018, Jonathan Fudger wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I used to use the "Vim without Cream" binaries to get a recent build of Vim on Windows. Unfortunately these seem have stopped at 8.0.1616, so there are no builds of Vim 8.1.
> I am nervous about using the latest overnight build (from vim-win32-installer or after trying a couple which were unusable).
> Is there anywhere else to find a recent, stable(-ish) build of Vim 8.1?

The vim-win32-installer builds are pretty stable. What exactly do you
mean with them being "unusable"? I haven't heard any such complaints

Wie man sein Kind nicht nennen sollte:
B. Klopt

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