Saturday, September 22, 2018

How to use vim to write a aligned plain text (txt) file as the vim help files?

vim help files are in plain text format. They'are under /vim/vim80/doc.Lots of <Tab> characters are used to align the contents.

Interestingly, I can't find a good way to write such <Tab> aligned texts by vim. Every plugin use space to align words. Some bring this issue up on these project homes, and no solution is provided.

I'm curious how the vim developers write the help documents?

vim-easy-align: Align to Nearest Tabstop #58

Excerpted from vim's help
Development of Vim. *development*

This text is important for those who want to be involved in further developing

1. Design goals |design-goals|
2. Coding style |coding-style|
3. Design decisions |design-decisions|
4. Assumptions |design-assumptions|

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