Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Re: What is the quickes way to delete spaces in front of each line?

Igor Forca wrote:
> Now reading Recardo's post (second post in thread) and playing around I have found there is:
> diw
> j.
> j.
> j.
> j.
> Which is exactly what I was looking for. No need for count (ed command), or no need for selecting for video.

"diw"? That's some vim-ism, isn't it? Replace "diw" with "d^" and it
works in any version of vi you can find. As a motion command, "^" goes
to the first non-whitespace character on the line (forward or backward,
natch so "0d^" may be a better starting command). Also "d^" is a no-op
when run at the beginning of the line with no leading whitespace, but
"diw" appears to delete the first word in that case.


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