Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Re: How do I delete from the end of the line through space (up to) the first word?

On 2018-09-05 10:59, 'Grant Taylor' via vim_use wrote:
> That being said, I can modify it a little bit:
> F D
> Or more specifically, a count version of it:
> 4F D

Also, note that once you've done a f/F/t/T command, you can save a
character (and some thinking) by using "," and ";" to navigate to the
next/previous one, prefixing that with a count.

:help ,
:help ;

Some people remap <leader> to one of these keys, but I use them
frequently enough that I recoil at the thought of losing them :-)

So the first one could be


and then subsequent ones could be




depending on where your cursor is.


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