Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Re: What is the quickes way to delete spaces in front of each line?

On 2018-09-19 17:36, Claus Atzenbeck wrote:
> P.S. I know there is ed command: 1,5s/^\s\+// but this is difficult
> to type quickly and requires a lot of thinking. Using some normal
> command and repeating j. would be much simpler to think and edit.
> >
> I probably would mark the paragraph in visual mode, then use
> :s/^ *//
> which I find easy to remember and quick to type. (No need for
> "\s\+" which is just more to type compared to " *".)

If you're looking for additional laziness, if you don't have any
flags (you don't in this case), you can drop the last "/", and if
you're *also* replacing with nothing (i.e., deleting the match), you
can drop the separator "/" too, making it just

:s/^ *

If the file has a mix of tabs & spaces, you can



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