Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Re: It is impossible to join unless you have a google account

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 10:00:41 AM UTC-5, ruben.safir@my.liu.edu wrote:
> If you don't believe it, try it. It just enters a loop where it keeps sending you a confirmation link but never confirms

I was able to subscribe an alternate email address (my Yahoo spam dump account) just now in an "incognito window" in Chrome without ever logging into my Google account. As far as Google knows, this address is not associated with a Google account in any way.

Here's how:

Go to the main mailing list webpage. I usually type "groups.google.com/group/vim_use" and get redirected to the correct spot. Then append a "/join" to the URL:


Then enter your email address and prove you're a human. You'll get a confirmation email. Clicking "join this group" in the confirmation email opens Google Groups again and you'll get a "subscribe successful" message.

Screenshots attached.

Perhaps we should add instructions for this somewhere. I don't see a link to access that "/join" page from the list landing page but maybe it's hidden somewhere there.

For the list: this thread devolved VERY quickly. I'm shocked. The Vim mailing lists have usually been friendlier to new users. This is a *mailing list* and we shouldn't require a Google account to join it. Criticizing the user for not wanting to create a Google account, instead of helping, is something I didn't think I'd see here.

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