Thursday, August 20, 2009

RE: changing what counts as a paragraph

>Hi John
>Why people hates bottom post?

Ummm, people *like* bottom-post.

Once I see a top-poster's text come to an end, then the "On <date>,
<person> said:"-line followed by an earlier reply, I simply stop
reading. If that means I don't have any context as to what you were
asking/answering/stating/etc., then I have nothing to reply to. Period.
It's okay if you just want to say something like "Thanks, that worked!",
in which case I wouldn't need to reply nor read any further, but if
you're asking for clarification, say, "But when would I use 'argdo' vs
'bufdo'?", again, I stop reading at that, ignore the text below that
(which, I imagine, you'd expect me to scroll down to read, then back up
again to reread your question), and again, you get no reply.

Sorry, but if it's just too damned much *bother* for someone to
correctly format his emails/posts to adhere to conventions, then it's
certainly as much or more bother for me to reply to it, so I simply
choose to *not* do so.

If you wanted to ask me a question in person, but you insisted on
speaking Esperanto (which I don't speak), insisting that *I* learn it to
communicate with you, or getting cute and speaking "backwards" or in
pig-latin, or in an inaudible whisper, making it much more difficult for
*me* when I'm trying to help *you*, then sorry, I just won't go through
that bother, and you'll have to make do *without* my help. And
presumably without the help of others as well.

Same with email and posts.

I don't see why that particular concept is so hard for top-posters to

(And again, insert my macro-tirade against html email, retina-searing
blinding-white backgrounds, weird-ass colorschemes, borders,
indentations, other nausea-inducing quoting-styles, etc. Make reading a
post/email difficult or annoying, and I just delete it unread and skip
to the next one. And my tolerance/patience decreases with each passing
day the more I see such "offending" posts.)

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