Friday, August 28, 2009

Re: dbext with sqlite when use auto quit?

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 1:22 AM, fvw<> wrote:
> Hello all:
>      When use dbext,  if i type omnicomplete <c-x><c-o> , the gvim quit immediately.
>      My setting is:
>      let g:dbext_default_profile='sqlite0'
>      let g:dbext_default_profile_sqlite0='type=SQLITE:SQLITE_bin=/usr/bin/sqlite:dbname=./learn.db'
>      Can somebody help me? Thanks

That is interesting.

First, I can reproduce your issue.

Second, my gvim blows up when I return the following from the
completion routine:

But it works fine when I use a different supported database and return
the same List.

So this means two things:
1. There is a bug in Vim and I will repro it and submit a stack trace
to vim_dev.
2. There should be some work around I can implement in dbext /
sqlcomplete to prevent it.

Give me some time and I will see what I end up with.

Thanks for the report.

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