Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Re: Moved vimfiles directory, can't get vim to use it

On Aug 26, 10:08 am, Dave <> wrote:
> I've moved my vimfiles folder to my dropbox folder and am trying to
> get vim to use it.
> In my vimrc I've got this:
> let $VIMRUNTIME="~\\Documents\\My\ Dropbox"
> let $VIM="~\\Documents\\My\ Dropbox"
> But when I open a file it's still looking in c:\program files\vim:
> E254: Cannot allocate color grey95
> Error detected while processing C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim72\colors
> \d
> esert.vim:
> I've tried various paths but nothing seems to tell Vim to look in the
> correct place.
> Any ideas?

By the time your .vimrc has been sourced, it's already too late for
the environment variables. Try changing the environment variables
themselves, from OUTSIDE Vim. You MIGHT be able to do what you want by
tweaking the 'runtimepath' option, but I'm not certain whether that
will work or how hard it is.

BTW, $VIMRUNTIME and $VIM probably don't need to change, you probably
want to change $HOME, where your personal config files should be

On MS Windows, you can change environment variable by right-clicking
"My Computer", selecting "Properties", going to the "Advanced" tab,
and clicking the "Environment Variables" button.
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