Thursday, August 20, 2009

Re: using regexp to search for Unicode code points and properties


Brian Anderson wrote:
> I'm interested in learning how to use regular expressions in Vi(m) to
> search for Unicode code points.
> In a book about regexp, it describes how to search for Unicode code
> points by various means, and for various programming languages.
> The book describes searching for a specific Unicode code point as \u2122
> or \x{2122}.
> From what I've seen in the Vim help files, \u is to identify uppercase
> characters, not Unicode code points, and \x is for hexadecimal digits.

for Unicode code points use \%u as a prefix.

> The book also talks about using Unicode property or categories in the
> search. The book indicates there are 30 Unicode categories, grouped into
> 7 super-categories.
> For example, \p{Ll} would find any lowercase letter that has an
> uppercase variant, and \p{Lo} any letter or ideograph that does not have
> lowercase and uppercase variants.

I don't think property are currently supported in Vim.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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