Thursday, August 20, 2009

Re: vim shellpipe tee make output

On Thursday 20 August 2009 00:45:35 Sergey Vakulenko wrote:
> Sc said right, i want to see make output on the same console,
> line by line in real time, not at the end of compiling
> process. How to do this on win32 platform, there is hint?

one thing i always recommend to ppl who have to use windows is -- it is a full suite of unix utilities
for windows, so you can have a shell that's much more useful --
included is their tee, of course, along with grep, gawk, sed, and
i forget what-all else

i can't help with your windows make command, however, i always
tended to use a command-line whenever possible

they do mention the shellpipe option in

:help make

if that helps at all -- but truth to tell, i'm not sure what your
problem is exactly

things you might check:

- is tee.exe in your path

- is shellpipe still defined in the session right before you
issue the :make command? i'm thinking maybe a filetype plugin
might have over-ridden your .vimrc setting

- have you set 'makeprg' appropriately'

and if none of this helps any, maybe you could give us more
information on what happens when you issue the :make command


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