Sunday, November 29, 2009

Menu translation & wrong encoding in Windows 7


I have submitted Slovenian Vim menu translation a while ago while I
was still using XP (and then didn't use Windows for ages; menu
translations don't work with Aqua Vim at all).

Now I tried it on Windows 7 and discovered that the language is set to
Slovenian_Slovenia.1250. That might be a bit weird. The native
encoding used to be cp1250 indeed, but it could be that Windows 7 now
tries to use utf-8 whenever possible ... but I don't really know.

The problem is that now I get translation
Pomoé (eacute)
instead of
Pomoč (ccaron)
for "Help". S and Z with caron are missing completely, so there's a
big bunch of wrong translations.

Does anyone have a hint how to solve this problem?

Thanks a lot,

PS: I didn't try to modify any setting. I'm just using the defaults of
what gvim 7.2 for windows provides. I tried to rename files
afterwards, but with zero success.

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