Sunday, November 29, 2009

Re: Need to know how to load script in Vim

> you can get a complete list of all scripts currently sourced by
> issuing the
> :scriptnames
> command -- the command to load a script is
> :source <scriptname>

Thanks, I used that and it showed me that pythoncomplete was loaded. But I
still have only the default autocomplete when hit Ctrl+N/Ctrl+P. Ctrl+X just
outputs this at the bottom of the screen:
-- ^X mode (^]^D^E^F^I^K^L^N^O^Ps^U^V^Y)

> loaded -- there should be script specific documentation in your
> doc path to help out too -- try
> :help python<tab>

That gave me some results about syntax highlighting and indenting in python
but no autocomplete

So if the script is loaded, how do I go about activating it? I mean I still
can't get autocompletion for class members or standard functions in python.

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