Friday, November 27, 2009

Re: configuring vim for slrn - headers

On 30/10/09 04:10, Tim Johnson wrote:
> * James Michael Fultz<> [091029 19:00]:
>> Sorry, I don't know the solution to the wrapping. Nor do I know whether
>>> Again, note the '#'s and possible wrapping. The
> Hi James
> I'm sorry. Obviously bad phrasing. Wrapping is not a problem. I
> just called attention to it.
>> it's a slrn issue or a Vim issue. You could check your 'formatoptions'
>> when editing an article in Vim.
> <..>
>> :verbose set formatoptions?
> Oh good! That's going to give me something to chew on.
>> Do you mean to followup rather than reply? Followup is directed to
>> newsgroups, and reply is directed to mail.
> I know, but I am a dummy when using newsgroups - which I do
> infrequently. Thus, I am prone to typing 'r' instead of 'f'.
> Perhaps my question should be: "Is there a way to make 'r'
> act like 'f' when in a newsgroup?"

Don't take me too seriously: I see you're using mutt, which means maybe
you're wedded to it ;-).

Anyway, I suppose you still would occasionaly want the possibility to
reply to the sender of a newsgroup post privately rather than on the

One possibility would be to use some other mail/news client, one where
you'd get explicit menus saying, for instance, "Reply to Sender", "Reply
to Newsgroup", "Reply to All", etc. Maybe there are still other options.

>> If you have further questions pertaining to slrn,
>> would be a proper forum.
> I will look at :h fomatoptions.
> Thanks

To avoid all wrapping, you could ":set tw=0" but that would probably
also disable wrapping the body text of the mail or newspost.

If you want to limit the length of mail/newspost headers, continuation
lines should start with whitespace -- look at the "raw source" of any
mail you get, you'll probably see "Received" lines with that kind of
"indented" continuation lines.

Best regards,
Acid -- better living through chemistry.

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