Friday, November 27, 2009

Re: Detect when a return follow an if instruction without bracket

Luc Hermitte schrieb:
> Hello,
> "epanda" <> a écrit :
>> if (condition1
>> && condition 3 )
>> return
> Wouldn't a ")[[:blank_or_comment:]]return\>" be enough ?
> Of course it would match nonsense code like "foo(42) return;" or
> "while (cond) return", but does it really matter?

Yes, as skipping nested parens (within the condition) with a regexp is
not possible, it makes sense to not even try it.

> In GotoImpl [1], I've implemented the [[:blank_or_comment:]] this way:
> \(\_s\|/\*.\{-}\*/\|//.*$\)*

Epanda, for a C-comment, the pattern
is simpler than what I gave you.

Note on escaping: in a pattern for functions like substitute() there is
no need to escape '/'. But for a :s/pat/repl/flags-command, '/' needs
to be escaped (except in a collection?).

> (Hum ... oddly I did not use \_. instead of . in the second
> expression... I guess the pattern should be modified to use the \@
> multi-items)

'\@' multi item?

> [1] and more precisely:


Minor difference: it will match wrong code like

/* */ */


This way it's easier to restrict the number of comments:


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