map <leader>ts :let SuperTabMappingForward = '<leader><space>'<CR>
But the second <leader> in that line gets interpreted as the literal
mapleader character. Is there some way to escape it? Or perhaps a
different means of inputting "<leader>"?
This is for the SuperTab plugin, where the SuperTabMappingForward
variable changes the key used for completion. I can input the
following on the command line manually:
:let SuperTabMappingForward = '<leader><space>'
:let g:SuperTabMappingTabLiteral = '<tab>'
:so ~/.vim/plugin/supertab.vim
And that works -- pressing the leader key followed by the space key
causes completion, and the tab key is returned to just inputing tabs.
But when those lines are mapped into my vimrc, <leader> and <tab> get
interpreted like so (my mapleader character is `):
:let SuperTabMappingForward = '` '
:let g:SuperTabMappingTabLiteral = '^I'
The goal is to have a key sequence that will remap on-the-fly the key
SuperTab uses for tab completion.
TIA for any suggestions,
John Magolske
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