Monday, February 1, 2010

Re: how to use string variable for "cs add" command

On 29/01/10 04:23, pansz wrote:
> Ni, Ruiyu 写道:
>> Hi,
>> How can I make the following command pass VIM check in _vimrc file?
>> let CodeRoot = "E:/code"
>> let CscopeDb = CodeRoot . "/cscope.out"
>> cs add CscopeDb CodeRoot
>> the problem is in line 3, cs add only accept direct string but not the
>> variable. For example if I use the following cs add command VIM is fine.
>> Cs add E:/code/cscope.out E:/code
>> Thanks,
>> Ray
> what about
> :exe "cs add ".ScsopeDb." ".CodeRoot
> ?

and since ":exe[cute]" accepts any number of arguments (and concatenates
them space-separated),

:exe 'cs add' CscopeDB CodeRoot

would work just as well.

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