>> :%s/<!\[\[CDATA\[\(\%(\%(]]>\)\@!\_.\)\{-}\)]]>/\=substitute(submatch(1),'<[^>]*>', '', 'g')/g
> I have a hard time understand the \(\%(\%(]]>\)\@!\_.\)\{-}\) part.
> What does it do? What does \% mean? I do understand it will take
> anything in CDATA brackets and run the substiture command over it.
The \%(...\) is a non-capturing group.
The command breaks down as
:%s/ substitute
<!\[\[CDATA\[ a literal "<![[CDATA["
\( begin capturing
\%( begin non-capturing group #1
\%( begin non-capturing group #2
]]> a literal "]]>" close tag
\) (end non-cap group #2)
\@! isn't allowed to match here
\_. match any one character incl NL
\) (end non-cap group #1)
\{-} as few as possible
\) end capture group
]]> the literal "]]>" that matches
/ and replace it with
\= the following expression
substitute( uh...substitute :)
submatch(1), the content of the CDATA
'<[^>]*>', all tags and replace them
'', with nothing
'g') for all of the tags
/g for all of the matches on a line
In retrospect, because "]]>" unilaterally closes a CDATA and
you're capturing everything inside, you might be able to simplify
that to just
'', 'g')/g
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