Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Re: Syntax matching CUDA kernel calls

Fortran schrieb:
> Folks,
> Vim syntax file creation is a bit of a mystery to me, so I though
> I'd ask here. I'm sure this is a very simple question with a simple
> answer, but I'm stuck.
> Namely, I do programming in CUDA Fortran and I've (by borrowing
> liberally) figured out how to syntax highlight all the important
> keywords and the like in the syntax. But there is one thing which
> is still evading my efforts: the CUDA kernel call. In CUDA Fortran,
> you call kernels by, say:
> call my_kernel <<<grid, block>>> (a, b, n)
> The word "call" is nicely highlighted, of course, but the <<< ...
> >>> region isn't quite what I want. The first three "<<<" are in
> purple (in my scheme), but the last ">>>" are colored
> purple-yellow-yellow. I'd like everything from the first "<" to the
> last ">" in the same color if possible. My problem seems to be
> matching those multiple ">" signs and my attempts with "syn
> region", start, end, etc. just aren't working.
> Any help with a simple query?
> Thanks, Matt

Hi Matt,
I don't know if that's exactly what you are searching for but it could
be a start:

syn region CKI matchgroup=CK start=/</ end=/>/ contains=ALLBUT,CK

" now you can assign two different colors for the inner/outer match
hi def link CK Comment
hi def link CKI Constant

Gregor Uhlenheuer

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