Friday, April 1, 2011

vim counterpart for persistent includes

I'm a new user of vim and am currently evaluating it for my uses. I'm coming
from BBEdit. One of the features of BBEdit that I've found useful is the
'persistent include.'* It's mostly used for HTML. The idea behind it is that
you can specify a file in an HTML comment, and when you 'update' the document,
the file's contents are included in your HTML document, between the persistent
include comments. It looks like this:

<!-- #bbinclude "filename" -->
file contents that are inlined.
<!-- end bbinclude -->

*Only* the lines in between the include comments are replaced with included
file. If the included file changes and you update the main file again, the
contents are updated. The real power of this comes from when the included
file is a shell script, which you can pass options too.

Sorry for the long winded description. My question is this: Is there
functionality in vim for something like this? If not, is there a pre-existing
script that replicates this? I'm sure I could script something up myself, but
I don't particularly want to reinvent the wheel if I don't have to.



* Appendix C, pg. 379 of the BBEdit manual[1].

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