Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Re: vim + ctags for C++ problem

Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2013 3:20:29 AM UTC-5, Jacek Czaja wrote:
>> And now my cursor is somewhere in main function and I want to jump to beta::b definition so I do:
>> :ta beta::b
>> and vim jumps to alpha::b ???
>> When I print possibilities:
>> :ts
>> it is something like:
>> beta::b
>> class:beta access:public
>> int b;
>> So :ts properly is showing the jump location but for some reason calling it via:
>> :ta beta::b
>> gives me wrong result.
>> All this problem happns only if I have two or more classes definition in the same file. If they are spread around diffrent files then it is all fine.
> I generated tags from your file using the ctags command you gave, and I can reproduce the problem.
> I also see the cause.
> With the options you give, the tag file entries for alpha::b and beta::b both have the same search pattern. Here are their entries:
> alpha::b .\test.cpp /^ int b;$/;" m class:alpha file: access:private
> beta::b .\test.cpp /^ int b;$/;" m class:beta file: access:public
> I'm not sure whether this can be fixed.
> I know the tagbar plugin ( ) can correctly jump to each tag, but I don't know how this is accomplished. You could look into the plugin or contact the author.
> Certainly, you could also post-process your tags file to modify the search pattern. This may be how tagbar does it, I do not know.
> If I manually edit the generated tags file to include a search for the class before a search for the tag itself, I can correctly jump to beta::b and alpha::b with the :tag command:
> alpha::b .\test.cpp /class alpha/;/^ int b;$/;" m class:alpha file: access:private
> beta::b .\test.cpp /class beta/;/^ int b;$/;" m class:beta file: access:public
> Note my introduction of /class alpha/; and /class beta/; to perform a double search in each case.
> This could certainly be automated, since the class name is right in the tag definition. I'll leave that to you.
Adding the "-n" flag will fix this, at the price that: if you insert a
new line somewhere into your file, the line numbers will also change,
thereby silently invalidating the tags file.
I suggest putting comments on the two identical lines that differentiate

C Campbell

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