Wednesday, June 26, 2013

AW: compatibility with Sun's original vi for command :su

Bram wrote:
> The POSIX spec has a bug: it says that :s means :substitute, which means
> anything starting with :s means :substitute, including :su. But then
> :suspend can be abbreviated to :su, that's a conflict.

The compatibility mode tries to emulate the behaviour of original Sun's vi,
even if it is a bug there. Vim does this at several places.

With a new cpo flag, the user would have a choice to configure vim to personal
habits. (I have been using original Sun vi for 10 years, typing :su, not
considering that I am using a bug. Now I am used to it.)

Tony wrote:
> cnoreabbrev <expr> su
> \ ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() <= 3)? 'suspend' : 'su')

Thanks Tony, this works 100% great!

In case you developer guys don't want a new cpo flag, maybe you want to add
Tony's line to the help page.
(see :help Y for an example of such a line in the help)


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