Monday, June 24, 2013

Re: Vim 7.3 - Odd behaviour with Log file ESC sequences

Il giorno lunedì 24 giugno 2013 12:29:15 UTC+2, Philip Rhoades ha scritto:

> > your second case, not the first; in that first case there must be a
> > script, or commands in a .vimrc, causing
> > the sequences to be interpreted; the one I know about is AnsiEsc.vim,
> >
> The output of :scriptnames hereunder but I still don't understand - does
> it mean that one of those scripts is recognising the directory that the
> log file is in and causing Vim to change it's display of the log file?

rails.vim might be the culprit. the fact it alters the output of the file only when it's in an app proper log's directory is another hint in that direction.

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