Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Re: compatibility with Sun's original vi for command :su

On Mon, June 24, 2013 23:54, Paul Maier wrote:
> Hi,
> the original vi on Sun took :su as :suspend,
> whereas vim takes :su as :substitute.
> I am very used to typing :su.
> Would it be possible for VIM 7.4 to add a new compatibility flag to
> cpoptions
> about the meaning of :su ?
> suggested compatible flag: :su = :suspend, :s = :substitute
> without the flag: :su = :substitute

Looks like a bug to me. POSIX also requires :su to be used for
:suspend (http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xcu/ex.html)

Do we need a new cpo setting here, or should it be enough to
patch vim to take :su as :suspend?


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