Friday, June 21, 2013

Re: Color schemes with colorcolumn support?

On Friday, June 21, 2013 1:33:49 PM UTC-7, Sean Hammond wrote:
> Anyone know any good color schemes with colorcolumn support? Most vim
> color schemes seem to have been written before the colorcolumn option
> was added, and the colorcolumn tends to show in a color that clashes
> really badly with the rest of the theme (e.g. bright red).
> I have a lot of Vim themes installed, and by the test of grepping my
> colors dir for colorcolumn I found only these ones that seem to define a
> color for it (admittedly this test may give false negatives):
> Dark:
> jellybeans
> codeschool
> distinguished
> vividchalk
> Light: mayansmoke
> Supports both dark or light:
> hemisu
> base16: There's a lot of variations of this theme, unfortunately they
> don't seem to work at all in my terminal Vim.
> From what I've seen so far, Hemisu is pretty good, I recommend it.
> An alternative solution would be to set the color of the colorcolumn
> based on some other color from the theme, so it works with themes that
> don't know about colorcolumn. Set it to the highlight current line
> color, which a lot more themes seem to have, or to the background color
> but 10% darker or lighter. I don't know how to do either of these things
> though.

This is in .vimrc:

if exists("+colorcolumn")
set colorcolumn=+1 " textwidth+n
"? set colorcolumn=64,72,80 " specific columns
hi ColorColumn NONE ctermbg=Cyan

This is in .gvimrc:

hi ColorColumn NONE guibg=Cyan

:help 'colorcolumn'

Some options to try:

:hi! link ColorColumn StatusLine

:hi! link ColorColumn CursorLine


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