Saturday, June 22, 2013

Re: Color schemes with colorcolumn support?

> If the theme defines a CursorLine background color, that will likely be
> the best color for ColorColumn as well. If it doesn't have a CursorLine
> background color (many themes don't) then StatusLine seems a good
> fallback. I think the algorithm should be:
> if cursorline is activated:
> if the colorscheme does not define a ColorColumn color:
> if it defines a CursorLine background color:
> :hi! link ColorColumn background CursorLine
> else if it defines a StatusLine background color:
> :hi! link ColorColumn StatusLine
> else:
> Print out a warning.
> And this function should be automatically executed whenever cursorline
> is turned on and whenever the colorscheme is changed.

There is an autocommand event for ColorScheme. There isn't one for
'when cursorline is turned on' but I don't think that would be needed,
actually. The problem is that I can't see any way to ask Vim
"does the current color scheme define a ColorColumn background color?"

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