Friday, July 18, 2014

Re: eVim - easy Vim - How to make it work on Ubuntu?

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On July 18, 2014 12:31:36 PM GMT+03:00, Tony Mechelynck <> wrote:
>On 18/07/14 08:14, Igor Forca wrote:
>> @ZyX, on my Windows machine I have cleaned-up _vimrc all of this
>Windows specifics. For test the only command in my _vimrc is: "set
>nocompatible". I even opened vim and execute command: e $MYVIMRC to see
>if this file really opens up and takes effect and it does. So no
>Windows specific shortcuts in _vimrc and all of described WORKS
>successfully on Vim for Windows. But the same does not on Linux
>(Ubuntu, Suse).
>> @John Little, I tried starting "vim -u NONE -y file" but still no
>success, the only shortcuts working is CTRL+A and CTRL+arrow_keys. The
>same problem on Ubuntu/Suse.
>In some Linux distributions, including openSUSE but not necessarily
>limited to it, if you use the Vim packaged by the distribution (not one
>you compile yourself from Bram's sources), it sources a "system vimrc"
>even before checking if there is a user vimrc.

According to the documentation it must not read system vimrc with any "-u ...", including "-u NONE". See :h vimrc, the paragraph below table with recommended places for the vimrc.

>To see, if this is the case on your Vim, do
> :version
>Near the middle of the output, you'll see a number of locations for Vim
>configuration scripts. One of them (usually the first one) is called
>"system vimrc file". Open that path/file (often, but not necessarily
>always, /etc/vimrc) in the same version of Vim. If it opens a blank
>window with [New File] in the status message at bottom, then you don't
>have a system vimrc for this Vim setup, you can close the window with
>":q!" (including the exclamation mark but of course not the quotes).
>Otherwise you'll see what the distro has decided to dump on you "for
>your own good". Reading that may be quite instructive; it may even
>convince you to use an own-compiled version of Bram's Vim (with the
>executable at /usr/local/bin/vim, the runtime files as a tree starting
>at /usr/local/share/vim/vim73/ and the system vimrc, if any, at
>/usr/local/share/vim/vimrc with no dot or underscore in the filename)
>you won't be a victim of do-gooders who act in your name without your
>You can even have your own-compiled Vim and the distro's Vim both
>present on the same system. Since /user/local/bin comes early in the
>$PATH, your own Vim takezs precedence, but the other one can still be
>invoked with a full path, or under another name from a softlink (e.g.
>/bin/vim-suse -> vim). Of course the distro's Vim uses its own system
>vimrc and its own runtime files, but your ~/.vimrc and (if any)
>under your ~/.vim/
>> Exactly the same as with only "vim -y myfile".
>> @John Little, about "bonus question": I can't just close down with
>ALT+F4, I am using headless = no GUI = terminal only server.
>I think I've heard there are headless setups where GUIs are possible.
>IIRC it requires "X forwarding" or something.
>You can always create a mapping, provided that Vim can get the {lhs},
>for example (untested)
> :imap <C-F4> <C-O>:qa<CR>
>to use Ctrl-F4 to exit Vim. This will still end in error (and not exit)
>if you have modified files, unless 'autowriteall' is set and the
>modified buffers can be saved.
>> Additional test:
>> I have now also checked the same on "Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop" and having
>exactly the same problem with both starting commands (vim -y myfile
>and vim -u NONE -y myfile), exactly the same problem. I have also
>added only "set nocompatible" command in .vimrc file.
>Best regards,

Version: APG v1.1.1


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