Friday, July 18, 2014

Re: eVim - easy Vim - How to make it work on Ubuntu?

On Friday, July 18, 2014 6:14:26 PM UTC+12, Igor Forca wrote:
> @John Little, about "bonus question": I can't just close down with ALT+F4, I am using headless = no GUI = terminal only server.

Sorry, vim -y starts the GUI on my system, despite having no "g", so I thought it would for you, too.

If I start vim with vim -y -v -u NONE -N, I see some of your trouble; I can't start a selection with <shift-left> and <shift-right>, but shift up, down, end, and home work, as does cut, copy (albeit silently) and paste. Investigating why <shift-left> and <shift-right> don't work, by using <ctrl-q> before typing them, I find that vim is being passed nothing. This is in konsole, the KDE terminal emulator, so I fired up xterm, and <shift-left> and <shift-right> work there. (After using stty to get a ctrl-q back (stty start ^@ stop ^@) I see vim getting ^[[1;2C and ^[[1;2D.)

The point behind the above (somewhat tediously detailed) is that your problems may stem from the key presses not being passed to vim by whatever it's running in. You might tell us that, and how your users connect to the servers.

You can check for this trouble by pressing <ctrl-q>; if you get a "^" with the cursor on it, then use a key press you're having trouble with, like <shift-left>. If nothing appears, vim is not getting it, or if something does appear, you have a terminal capability problem, see :help termcap, and consult the documentation for what vim is running in. <ctrl-q> might not work without some set up at the user end, like I had to with xterm.

A better approach altogether might be to use netrw, and run vim locally to the user. Can work brilliantly, particularly if the servers are "distant".

HTH, and regards, John Little

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