Saturday, February 7, 2015

Word boundry would not work when using some wierd Unicode chars with the 'contained' syntax

Here is the VimL code I wrote:

" Use some wierd Unicode chars to mark the region, '+' being put here as a contrast.
syntax region myCmdLine matchgroup=myCmdLine_ start=/[⣱+]/ end=/[⡇⡗⡧+]/
hi link myCmdLine _LightGreen_233b5a
hi link myCmdLine_ Normal

syntax keyword myCmdName man bind less containedin=myCmdLine contained
hi link myCmdName _Green_233b5a

And here's its effect on some simple demonstrating text (see attached image file)

With '+' as the marker all three syntax keywords were correctlly recognized, but not with the abnormal Unicode chars

Another thing is using '*' to do a quick search would work normally, as would do the following search command:


'iskeyword' or 'regexpengine' option seems have no effect here.

Should this be considered a bug?

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