Tuesday, May 26, 2015

quickfix / clist question


I'm using gvim under windows 7
I'm having a mapping that compiles my file in the current buffer like this:

set makeprg=vcom\ %
:map <F5> :w<CR>:make<CR>:clist!<CR>

When I press F5 it compiles and gives the results back into "quick-fix" window.
For example:
:!vom D:\counter.vhd >C:\Users\....tmp 2>&1
"Start time: 13" -- no lines in buffer --
(1 of 11) : 02 on May 26, 2015
1 Start time:
2: vcom ....
3: "Compiler output"
10: End time ....
11: Errors: 0, Warnings 0
Press ENTER to continue

All fine so far.

When I then press enter, gvim opens en new buffer called 13 with no lines.
This seems to be the result of the second line in the compiler output. ("Start time: 13" -- no lines in buffer --)
Why is that?
How can I prevent this?
Now I have to close the buffer 13 that doesn't show anything.


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