Sunday, May 24, 2015

Re: What vim does it differently when -b is enabled?

(redirected to vim-dev)
Hi Tim!

On Sa, 23 Mai 2015, Tim Chase wrote:

> On 2015-05-23 17:32, Peng Yu wrote:
> > -b Binary mode. A few options will be set that makes it
> > possible to edit a binary or executable file.
> >
> > Could anybody help explain this and provide a minimal binary file
> > that shows the difference between with -b and without -b? Thanks.
> ":help -b" gives a little more detail but I'm not sure whether I've
> found a bug.
> tim@laptop:~/tmp$ cat testvimrc
> set nocompatible
> set modeline
> set sw=4
> set ts=4
> set et
> tim@laptop:~/tmp$ xxd testfile
> 0000000: 2f2a 2076 693a 2073 6574 2065 7870 616e /* vi: set expan
> 0000010: 6474 6162 2073 773d 3220 7473 3d32 3a20 dtab sw=2 ts=2:
> 0000020: 2a2f 0d0a 6669 7273 7420 6c69 6e65 0d0a */..first line..
> 0000030: 0973 6563 6f6e 6420 6c69 6e65 2077 6974 .second line wit
> 0000040: 6820 7461 620d 0a h tab..
> When when opened with
> vi -u testvimrc testfile
> it has the following settings
> :set modeline? ts? et? sw? bin? ff?
> modeline
> tabstop=2
> expandtab
> shiftwidth=2
> nobinary
> fileformat=dos
> And when opened with
> vi -u testvimrc -b testfile
> it has the following settings
> :set modeline? ts? et? sw? bin?
> modeline
> tabstop=2
> expandtab
> shiftwidth=2
> binary
> fileformat=unix
> Based on the ":help -b", I would have expected that 'noexpandtab' and
> 'nomodeline' would appear in that output, and that my ts/sw would be
> 4 (set in the vimrc) rather than the ts/sw from the file's modeline
> contents. It does correctly prevent munging of CR/LF by setting
> ff=unix and 'binary'.

Looks like despite what is being said in the documentation, the value
from the initialization file is used. That might be a bug or a
documentation inconsistency, I don't know.

Wie man sein Kind nicht nennen sollte:
Joe Kerr

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