Thursday, May 28, 2015

Re: keymodel=stopsel (set by behave mswin) interferes with match_words (matchit plugin) and the textobj-user plugin

Am 2015-05-28 09:11, schrieb Hgs:
> I found out that the
> behave mswin
> command called from $VIM/mswin.vim
> interferes with the matchit plugin when using match_words and with the
> select-i method of the pattern mode of the vim-textobj-user plugin.
> (Both inserted a new line after the end pattern and placed the cursor
> there.)
> A closer look revealed that it is the stopsel value of the keymodel
> option which matters.
> If one puts
> set keymodel-=stopsel
> directly after "behave mswin" (or the "so $VIM/mswin.vim" statement)
> both plugins work as expected.

You should probably report this issue to the maintainer of the plugins,
so they can fix the problems there.


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