Wednesday, May 27, 2015

reformatting comments

Can someone explain this behaviour?

vim -u NONE -N --cmd ':set comments=e:%% tw=20' -c 'call setline(1, "%%
".repeat("foobar ", 10))' -c 'norm! Vgq'

| %% foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar
Note: not reformated to fit into the textwidth

Expected Output:
| %% foobar foobar
| %% foobar foobar
| %% foobar foobar
| %% foobar foobar
| %% foobar foobar
(Reformated to fit into textwidth, the comment leader might be left

Is this a bug or a documentation inconsistency or even expected

I just noticed this in a latex document when I tried to reformat
overlong lines and comments starting with %% were not reformatted.

Perhaps the 'eO:%%' needs to be removed from the comments setting?

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