Sunday, May 24, 2015

Re: Does trigger any event?

2015-05-25 1:12 GMT+03:00 Justin M. Keyes <>:
> On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 5:19 AM, Nicola <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> am I right that <C-w><C-o> does not trigger any event? I have a custom
>> status line, which does not get updated when I close all other windows. For
>> now, I have this workaround:
>> nnoremap <C-w>o <C-w>o:call RefreshStatusLines()<CR>
>> nnoremap <C-w><C-w> <C-w>o:call RefreshStatusLines()<CR>
>> I was wondering whether there is a better way to detect when the user makes
>> the active window the only visible one.
> No such event. But you can force statusline redraw by assigning an
> option to itself:
> let &readonly=&readonly
> Although, I just noticed that Vim has a :redrawstatus command. Is
> there any need for the "let &ro=&ro" hack mentioned in ":help
> 'statusline'", given the existence of :redrawstatus?

It is not needed. Status line redraw is being triggered by closing the
window, no redraw is the problem of the custom status line, not Vim.
RefreshStatusLines function is thus obviously *not* being used from
the &statusline in this case.

I know this because powerline does *not* use anything, but "switch
highlight group" and "display raw text" statusline segments and it
still immediately occupies all space after closing the window (== it
does not use %= segments, so to occupy all space Vim must recompute
status line or it will be displayed using the previous window size).

> Justin M. Keyes
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