Saturday, May 23, 2015

Re: vim with Windows developments under linux and git

Le 23/05/2015 18:57, Gary Johnson a écrit :
> On 2015-05-23, pcouderc12 wrote:
>> Le vendredi 22 mai 2015 17:08:01 UTC+2, pcouderc12 a écrit :
>>> I have the usual problems with ^M and some other ones in these cases.
>>> I vant to use vim to develop Windows apps under linux (building in
>>> some Windows VM), with vim under linux.
>>> I do not want to get rid of ^M, I want to keep all my files in some
>>> specialized directory in Windows format managed by git and vim.
>>> Is there somewhere an howto for "good practices", particularly to set
>>> vimrc ?
>>> And, cerise sur le gateau, vim should remain correct for normal linux
>>> files...
>>> Thanks
>>> PC
>> Thank you Gary, thank you Andrew.
>> My question is : Is there a howto or good practices for
>> developping Windows apps unfer linux, git and vim environment.
>> So the problem is not to remove rc-lf but more on the contrary
>> to add them if missing...
> I'll leave the issues of developing Windows applications under Linux
> and configuring git appropriately for someone who understands those
> issues better than I do.
> As for line endings, there are three cases:
> 1. The file contains only CR-LF (DOS) line endings.
> 2. The file contains only LF (Unix) line endings.
> 3. The file contains both LF and CR-LF line endings.
> In case #1, Vim will set the 'fileformat' to "dos" and not show any
> ^M characters. There is nothing you need to do.
> In case #2, Vim will set the 'fileformat' to "unix" and of course
> not show any ^M characters as there are none. The simplest way to
> change the line endings to CR-LF is to execute the following.
> :set ff=dos
> :w
> In case #3, Vim will set the 'fileformat' to "unix" and display a
> ^M character at the end of every line that has a CR-LF line ending.
> The simplest way to change all the line endings to CR-LF is the
> following.
> :%s/\r$//
> :set ff=dos
> :w
> HTH,
> Gary
Thank you, this is a fine summary of these matters, and a good howto

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