Thursday, September 3, 2015

Re: Trouble using blockwise actions on visual selections in a function/command

Hi Christian:

> Can you explain the problem in more detail? I don't have the old thread
> around. Please be precise and explain exactly what you did, expect and
> see.

It's good you asked :-)

Made me poke around some more and fix my Duplicate function to read
correctly (functionality was reasonably correct, but it's much clearer

> I don't have the old thread around.

FWIW Google Groups does have the full thread archive ( you can try the
URL I have!topic/vim_use/EukZDOaDACo )

Issue 1 (the original post) centered around how to add a range to a
simple command. I received friendly pointers, but I was not able to get
the correct response by looking at other plugins.

I think this is in part due to a general preference for mappings as
opposed to user commands in the vim community as a whole (whereas I'm a fan
of user commands).

The <line1> and <line2> parameters are the correct answer, but my
reading of the docs was not sufficient for me to work this out. Not
until going back to the docs, and reading down to the example case (well
past the base description of -range) did I see the <line1> and <line2>
automatic parameters. That's the crux of the real answer.

By inspection of google results (and possibly some of the links
to other plugins suggested) I worked out an incorrect, but functioning
function (with issues). Bear with me, as this is fairly detailed.

I was able to extract visual range by using the '< and '> markers. Oddly
enough this works in my .vimrc, but it does not work in sample code I
just wrote and sourced to test this. I also had an issue with the how
the range command was specified (I chose -range=% which auto-populates
line1 and line2, normally not a big deal, but in this case a non-ranged
select reads line1=1 and line2=CURRENT_LINE).

After investigation, I'm not at all clear why this worked. It does work
in the function I created in my .vimrc. (Very) roughly

function s:...
vstart = line('">')
command! -range=% call <SID>....

But trying to replicate this from a sourced file does not populate "< or

Due to the use of -range=% I received a spurioua value for line1 (i.e.
"1" ) when there was no range selected. Thus the thanks at the top, as
now the function is correct and working (as opposed to just "working").

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