Monday, December 3, 2018

Re: errorformat for Visual Studio 2017

Efraim Yawitz wrote:

> I just solved a minor issue which someone else may have as well, so here it
> is:
> I sometimes take the compiler output from Visual Studio and read it into
> Vim with a :cfile command so I can fix the errors in Vim. I have been using
> set errorformat=%*[0-9]%*[>]\ %#%f(%l)\ :\ %m
> which someone on the list provided me with many years ago, and it worked
> fine in VS2008.
> I just tried the same thing in VS2017, and I wasn't getting sent to any
> errors.
> A comparison of the output format from VS2017 with that from VS2008 showed
> that the space before the colon after the file name has been removed, i.e.
> VS2008:
> 1>c:\somepath\somefile.c(16) : warning C4101: 'var': unreferenced local
> variable
> VS2017:
> 1>c:\somepath\somefile.c(16): warning C4101: 'var': unreferenced local
> variable
> Changing to
> set errorformat=%*[0-9]%*[>]\ %#%f(%l):\ %m
> made it work again.
> Of course, this may change again, but once you are aware of the issue it is
> possible to deal with it.
> I hope this is helpful to someone.

Thanks. I'll adjust the default value for 'errorformat'.
Using (%f) \=: should work for both the old and the new compiler.

How come wrong numbers are never busy?

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