Wednesday, September 2, 2009

:close question

Hi, all.

This is a simple question. Maybe I did not searched in the right place.
Well, if you use the following command:

:bd 5

You will 'delete a buffer' that it's number is 5.
The following command:

:bd 3 5 7 9

Will do the same for the buffers 3, 5, 7 and 9.
And more:


Will delete from buffer 1 to 4.
Why the ':close' command does not have a similar functionality? See, I
use GVim usually with two or more buffers in "splitted" windows. I don't
want to change to another window just to close it. I want to close it from
else where. But the ':close' command does not accept a buffer number or
name. What can I do?


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