Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My function needs to be sourced twice. Why?


I'm trying to write a function in vimscript that would toggle a value either to its default value, or to an other value. Here is what I wrote.

" Toggles value to default or other
function! ToggleValue(value, default, other)
    exec 'let evalvalue = '.a:value
    if evalvalue == a:default
        exec 'let '.a:value.' = '.a:other
        exec 'let '.a:value.' = '.a:default
    exec 'let '.a:value

This seems to work, e.g.
:let g:foo = 0
:call ToggleValue("g:foo", 0, 1) "prints g:foo #0
:call ToggleValue("g:foo", 0, 1) "prints g:foo #1
:call ToggleValue("g:foo", 0, 1) "prints g:foo #0

However, I don't understand why, to get it working, I need to source my vimrc twice.

Can someone give me a hint?

Thank you!
Christophe-Marie Duquesne

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