Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Re: :close question

Hi, Marc.

> I wonder how you manage to remember all those numbers..
> I usually don't close that many windows.

I had a complete environment set to do my work. I use 'Project' plugin and
'MiniBufExplorer'. So, I don't have to remember all that numbers. I simply
look above and see the numbers.

> If you want to maximize a window don't close the others, use c-w t (open
> the current in a new tab)..

As I said, I use MiniBufExplorer plugin, so I don't use the Vim or GVim tabs.

> And then I've remapped all those c-w h,j,k,l mappings to
> <m-s-k> <m-s-j> etc so that it's one hit to jump to another window.
> (use :windcmd to create this mapping)..

This is a good idea. I didn't think of that. I will see if is possible to do
something with ':wincmd' command.

Thanks a lot,

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