Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Multiple statusline and nerdtree conflict


Ran into a conflicting issue between multi statusline and nerdtree. I
use the same multi statusline as documented by Yakov Lerner in this

I found an issue where hitting Enter on a file in nerdtree wouldn't
update my statusline. After "set verbose=9" and some sleuthing in the
source, I found that nerdtree does "set ei=all" for any "wincmd"
shortcuts via script function "s:exec". This shuts off all events and
renders the above statusline trick useless.

So, if you use multi statusline trick and nerdtree, be aware of this
conflict. I updated the nerdtree source and commented out the
offending lines in function! s:exec(cmd). I haven't noticed much
decline in performance since the change. I have not tried to stress
test using dozens of tabs, many tens of buffers, and the like. YMMV.

take care,

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