Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Re: grepping a string from a large code base

On 6/22/2010 10:27 PM, Jim Green wrote:
> Hi vim community,
> I need to constantly perform a grepping of a string(eg, sth in logs)
> from a large code base, now I use grep on the command line to do this.
> I just started using ctags but it can not do the grepping of arbitrary
> string for me.
> could any vim users point me to a popular tool that I can use to
> improve my efficiency, I use only vim to browse and write code so I
> hope this is not off topic here.
> Thank you,
> Jim

mod to meet your needs...

$ cat gref
if [ $# = 1 ]
echo "dir is $dir"
else if [ $# = 2 ]
echo "dir is $dir"
echo "Usage: 'basename $0' pattern [path]"
echo " escape asterisks like so: \$gref text /home/\*.c"
echo "\n"
exit 1

find $dir -type f \! -name \*.o \! -name \*.a \! -perm 775 \! -name \*.class \! -name \*.html -exec grep -l
"$1" {} \; -exec grep -n "$1" {} \; -exec echo " " \;

sample output

Administrator@cyberhome ~/src/tcc-0.9.25
$ gref tcc_add_library_path .
dir is .
1826: tcc_add_library_path(s, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/usr/local/lib");
1827: tcc_add_library_path(s, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/usr/lib");
1828: tcc_add_library_path(s, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/lib");
2039:int tcc_add_library_path(TCCState *s, const char *pathname)
2161: tcc_add_library_path(s, buf);

77:LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_library_path(TCCState *s, const char *pathname);

286: tcc_add_library_path(s, optarg);

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