Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Re: gvimdiff can not hightlight correctly the difference in a line

On 2010-06-23, Peng Yu wrote:
> Suppose that I have the following two lines in two files (each in one
> file), gvimdiff highlight everything after '=' without knowing that
> 'sdsafdasfa' is the same in both lines. Is there a way to make
> gvimdiff be aware of the commonality flanked by two mismatches?
> i =x.y 19 sdsafdasfa xx
> i = 19 sdsafdasfa

No. See ":help :diffu" and scroll down a bit to where it says this.

|hl-DiffText| DiffText Changed text inside a Changed line. Vim
finds the first character that is different,
and the last character that is different
(searching from the end of the line). The
text in between is highlighted. This means
that parts in the middle that are still the
same are highlighted anyway. Only "iwhite" of
'diffopt' is used here.


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