Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Re: Please help with iab problem

On Jun 21, 10:53 pm, aleCodd <33faceb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jeremy Conlin-2 wrote:
> > I have defined an abbreviation as:
> > :iab bi Bible
> > This works fine when I type <space>ib<space> but doesn't work when ib
> > is preceded by a parenthesis or any other character.  How can I create
> > an abbreviation that will work regardless of what precedes it?
> as long as the character before the left-hand-side(lhs) is not a keyword,
> there sould NOT be a problem.
> please check the output for the following command:
>         :echo &iskeyword

The result of doing this command seems to change depending on where I
am in the file. I get one of two responses:

I don't understand what either of those mean, but maybe it has
significance to you.

> the other thing you may want to notice is that if the lhs is only one
> character (for example: iab q Quran) it will work ONLY after a space or a
> tab or -otherwise, when you want still the abbreviation after any character-
> you would have to exit insert mode (i.e. <esc>), and then start insert mode
> again BEFORE you type the lhs.
> see :help :ab. (map.txt, look from line 847).

Thanks for pointing me to that part of the help section. After
reading, I realized that the problem is not what comes before I enter
the abbreviation, but what is already after it. For example, I will
often (but not always) open and close a parenthesis, then move inside
it to execute my abbreviation. I believe Vim doesn't expand the
abbreviation because there is a close parenthesis immediately after
the abbreviation. If I close the abbreviation with a <CR> instead of
a space, then it works, but I get an extra <CR> which is not wanted
either. Any idea how to get around this?


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